Finding Accounts with Unmatched Transaction Lines

The GL Matching SuiteApp provides the GL Matching -List of Accounts page where you can find accounts with transaction lines that have not yet been matched.

Filters are provided so that you can specify your search according to date, subsidiary (if you are using a OneWorld account), or accounting book (if you have enabled the Full-Multi Book Accounting feature).


The List of Accounts can only search for account types that have been included in GL Matching. For more information, see Including Accounts in GL Matching.

Administrators have access to the GL Matching – List of Accounts page by default. To grant access to other roles, see Setting Access to GL Matching Pages.

To find unmatched accounts:

  1. Go to Transactions > Financial > GL Matching – List of Accounts. For roles that use the Accounting Center, go to Financial > Other Transactions > GL Matching Checklist.

  2. Fill-in the search filters to specify your search.

  3. Check the Only with Matchable Amounts box to search for accounts that have both debit and credit amounts that you can match.

  4. Click Show Accounts to initiate the search of accounts with credit and debit values that have not yet been matched. The results are displayed on the Accounts subtab.

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