Changing App Settings in NetSuite for Android
NetSuite for Android enables you to configure the settings for the app in several ways.
To change your app settings in NetSuite for Android:
Tap the Navigation Menu icon
, and then tap Settings. The Settings screen contains the following options:
Remember Me -Tap to remove your login details. See Removing your Login Details from NetSuite for Mobile.
Receipt Image Resolution -Enables you to se a maximum resolution of image attachments. See Attaching Files To a Record in NetSuite for Mobile.
Favorites -Configure your favorite record types.
Reset to Defaults -Tap to perform a factory reset of the app.
Note:When you reset the app to defaults all user data including login information, expense details, and time logs are removed.
To share feedback and suggestions directly from the app, tap Submit Feedback.
To Access the About screen, tap the Navigation Menu icon
, and then tap About. The About screen contains information about the app and contains a link to contact support. The About screen contains the following options:
Legal Terms -access to read the EULA for the application.
Oracle Privacy Policy -access to the Oracle Privacy Policy page.
App Version -displays the version of the app you are using.
Server Version -displays the version of the server the app is using.
User Login -displays the username you are currently logged in with.
Account -displays the account you are currently logged in with.
Role -displays your current user role.
View Documentation -access to NetSuite for Mobile documentation.
Contact Support -access to contacting customer support.
Visit SuiteAnswers -a link to SuiteAnswers.