The Calendar Navigation Bar in NetSuite for Android
The Calendar Navigation bar offers options for viewing, adding items to, and configuring your calendar.

1. Week -Tap to switch between calendar views. There are two view options:
Week -The default view is the Week view. The Week view displays a complete week with items grouped into days. All items for the corresponding day are displayed and can be accessed by tapping. You can move between weeks by tapping the arrow icons.
List -The List view displays a scrollable chronological list starting from the current date. Items display under the corresponding date. This view is useful when you need to quickly scan upcoming items, for example when arranging meetings.
2. Add icon -Tap the Add icon to display a list of items you can add to the selected date. The options are:
Phone Call
3. Today icon -Tap the today icon to return to the current date.
4. More icon -Tap the More icon to display additional options:
Customize -Tap to go to the Customize Calendar screen.
Go to date -Tap to display a calendar in which you can access a specific date. The Go to date option is only available while using the Week view.
To display phone calls and tasks in the NetSuite for Android calendar that do not have a specified time against them, first amend your Calendar preference in your NetSuite account. Go to setup on the required calendar portlet, and check non-blocking tasks and show non-blocking phone calls.
Related Topics:
- NetSuite for Android Calendar
- Calendar Icons in NetSuite for Android
- Adding a Calendar Item in NetSuite for Android
- Editing a Calendar Item in NetSuite for Android
- Responding to an Event in NetSuite for Android
- Deleting a Calendar Item in NetSuite for Android
- Adding a Shared Calendar in NetSuite for Android