Responding to an Event in NetSuite for iOS
Follow this procedure to respond to edit and send your response to an event.
To respond to an event:
On your Tab bar, tap the Calendar icon
Navigate to the event you want to respond to.
Tap the event.
Tap Quick Accept to accept the event. No further action is needed if you choose this option.
To reveal additional response options, tap the Arrow icon
Tap Accept to accept the event.
Tap Decline to decline the event.
Tap Tentative to mark your response as tentative.
Edit and customize your response in the Response screen:
Select Send a response or Do not send a response to either attach a response message or not.
You can add and edit your message in the Message Text window.
To set up a reminder for the event:
Tap Reminder.
From the time picker, tap the time of your reminder.
Tap Done.
To choose the type of your reminder:
Tap Reminder type.
Select your reminder type.
Tap Done.
To save and send your response, tap OK.
The event status is updated, and confirmed by the updated event icon in the calendar view screen.