Configuring the Calendar View in NetSuite for iOS
The Calendar Navigation bar offers options for viewing and configuring your calendar.

Today – Returns to today’s date.
1. Daily – Displays a list view of daily activities.
Items are grouped into days. You can scroll down the list to find the item you require.
View displays items from today onwards. Past items do not display.
2. Weekly – Displays items for the selected week.
Tap the left and right arrow buttons to move between weeks.
Tap any day of the week to view the items for that day.
3. Monthly – Displays items for the selected month.
Tap the left and right arrow buttons to move between months.
Tap any day of the month to view the items for that day.
4. Customize – Customize your calendar. Tap to access the following options:
Calendar – Select an active calendar from the list. The screen displays up to four most recently used calendars, plus your own calendar (which remains at the top of the list). To add another calendar to the list see To add an unlisted calendar:.
Activities – Select the types of items to display in the calendar: Event, Phone Call, or Task. By default all are selected.
Tap Done to save changes to your calendar customizations, or Cancel to return to the calendar view.
Note:You can only view one calendar at a time.
If you’d like phone calls and tasks that do not reserve time to show on your calendar, you must configure the following calendar preferences in your NetSuite account: Display Non-blocking Phone Calls in Calendar, and Display Non-blocking Tasks in Calendar. See Setting Calendar Preferences.