Printing from Print Bill of Lading Page
After searching the item fulfillments, select the item fulfillments for which you will print the bill of lading.
To print the bill of lading:
Go to Transactions > Sales > Bill of Lading.
Search item fulfillments. Read To search item fulfillments on Print Bill of Lading page:.
In the Print Options section, choose the applicable settings:
Select the type of bill of lading to print. Choose from one of the following radio buttons:
Standalone BOL-Prints standalone bill of lading for selected item fulfillments. Each bill of lading is printed in a separate file and opened in a different browser tab.
Master BOL-Prints master bill of lading for selected item fulfillments. Item fulfillments having the same customer (for sales order), location (ship from), shipping address (ship to), and shipping method are included in one bill of lading file. Multiple master bill of lading files open in different browser tabs.
Both-Prints standalone as well as master bill of lading for selected item fulfillments. Item fulfillments having the same customer (for sales order), location (ship from), shipping address (ship to), and shipping method are included in one bill of lading file. The file contains the master bill of lading, followed by standalone bills of lading. Multiple bill of lading files open in different browser tabs.
Standalone BOL
Select the standalone bill of lading template format in which you want to print the standalone bill of lading. The standalone bill of lading templates added from the Add Bill of Lading Template page are listed here.
Master BOL
Select the master bill of lading template format in which you want to print the master bill of lading. The master bill of lading templates added from the Add Bill of Lading Template page are listed here.
Save to File Cabinet
If you check this box, printing the bill of lading also saves the file to the file cabinet.
Total Weight Units on Master BOL
Select the unit of weight for displaying the total weight on the master bill of lading.
Master BOL Notes
Enter additional notes that you want to include in the master bill of lading.
In the Item Fulfillments sublist, select the item fulfillments for which you want to print the bill of lading.
Click Print.
You can open up to 40 bills of lading files, each in a different tab of the browser. If there are more than 40 files, the files do not open in browser tabs, and you must save them to the file cabinet.