Inventory Details on an Inbound Shipment
An order is identified as an inbound shipment when the vendor physically packs the purchase order items to ship to one of the buyer’s receiving destinations. Inbound Shipment Management enables you to track shipments when they leave the supplier, to the receiving destination, and then into the buyer’s inventory.
The inbound shipment record tracks such key shipment information as expected delivery dates, items in the shipment, quantity to be received, and links to associated documentation and transactions. You can assign items from multiple purchase orders to the shipment and then receive, bill, and transfer them from the newly created record.
In the user interface, you can access inventory details on an inbound shipment at Transactions > Purchases > Create Inbound Shipment. To learn more, see Using Inbound Shipment Management.
Enabling Inventory Details on an Inbound Shipment
To access inventory details on an inbound shipment, contact NetSuite Support.
To enable inventory details on an inbound shipment:
Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.
Click the Items & Inventory subtab.
In the Inventory section, check the following boxes:
Serialized Inventory
Advanced Bin/Numbered Inventory Management
Click the Transactions subtab.
In the Shipping & Receiving section check the following boxes:
Inbound Shipment Management
Inventory Detail on Inbound Shipment
After enabling this feature, you cannot revert to your previous configuration.
Click Save.
Inbound Shipment Inventory Details Example
External ID |
ID |
Item |
Receipt Inventory Numbers |
Quantity |
Surrogate Sub-record ID |
1 |
1 |
LotItem |
SBI-001 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
— |
— |
SBI-002 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
LotUomItem |
LI-001 |
2 |
2 |
Usage Notes
Inbound Shipment
Actual Delivery Date – the date the customer receives the item.
Actual Shipping Date -the date the seller ships the item.
Bill of Lading – a document listing the items in a shipment.
Expected Delivery Date – the date the customer expects to receive a shipment.
Expected Shipping Date – the date the seller expects to release a shipment.
External ID -Used as a unique identifier for the record. You can specify any value that has not been used as the External ID in previous CSV imports.
ID -The item row ID for the machine being modified.
Memo – a field containing additional information describing this shipment.
Vessel Number – the vessel number, IMO, or other identification.
Item -The Item that is being modified.
Receipt Inventory Number -The Serial or Lot number to be set.
Surrogate Subrecord ID – The ID used to group each inventory detail subrecord. This enables the CSV import to determine which inventory detail belongs to which Item.
Inbound Shipment – Items
Expected Rate – the agreed shipment charge.
Item (Req) – the unit being shipped.
PO (Req) -tracks the items transaction and shipment.
Quantity Expected – the number of units the customer expects to receive.
Receiving Location – the location the items will be shipped to.
Inbound Shipment – Landed Cost
Allocation Method (Req) – how items are distributed and shipped.
Amount (Req) – the number of items in the shipment.
Associated Item (Req) – items related to the parent item.
Cost Category (Req) -used to classify different costs associated with your items. They help track costs and variances.
Currency (Req) – the money used for this shipment. For example, dollars, pounds, or euros.
Effective Date (Req) -the date the shipment is expected to take effect.
Exchange Rate (Req)-the amount expected to be charged for the shipment.