Balancing Segments Preferences

When the Balancing Segments feature is enabled, the Accounting Preferences page includes a Balancing Segments subtab. For more information about this subtab, see Configuring Intersegment Accounts.




Payments Use Transaction Line Segmentation

For more information, see Transaction Line Segmentation on Payment Transactions.

Enable Intersegment Elimination

For more information, see Reversing Balancing Segment Intersegment Lines.

Update the Balancing Journal on Process Re-Run

When you enable this preference, NetSuite updates balancing journals when the balancing by segments process is re-run.

Default Accounts

Default Intersegment Due To Account

The general ledger account used by default as a clearing account for payables to balance transactions by segment.

Default Intersegment Due From Account

The general ledger account used by default as a clearing account for receivables to balance transactions by segment.

Default Intersegment Cash Account

If you check the Enable Intersegment Elimination box, select an intersegment cash account. NetSuite adjusts payments using balancing journals and this account. When you run the balancing by segments process, NetSuite creates balancing journal lines which use the cash adjustment account or accounts to break down the payment by the line segments on the paid transaction.

For more information, see Transaction Line Segmentation on Payment Transactions

On the Segments subtab, enter segment settings.

On the Accounts subtab, enter account settings. For specific transaction types, select transaction posting, due to, due from, and cash accounts.

General Notices