Matching Transaction Lines

After searching for transaction lines, you can now perform the matching. The SuiteApp allows you to match up to 500 transaction lines in one go.

To aid you in reconciling transaction lines, you can check the top of the Search Results subtab for a paired summary of the total values of the searched transaction lines. The summary of the values of the searched transaction lines are displayed according to: Balance Selected/Total, Debit Selected/Total, Credit Selected/Total. The first figure (in bold) is the sum of the values of the selected transaction lines. The second figure is the sum of the values of all the transaction lines in the Search Results list.

To match transaction lines:

  1. In the Search Results list, select the transaction lines that you would like to match.

    If you want to select all found transaction lines, click Select All. Click Clear All to clear all checked boxes.

    You can select up to 500 transaction lines. Set the number of transaction lines that you want to be displayed on a single page in the Results Per Page field. Use the Page Number field to navigate between pages.

  2. Click Match.

  3. To see the status of the matching process, go to the Matching In Progress subtab.

    The transaction lines on this subtab are displayed by group account. You can check the following columns for additional information about the process:

    • Action – Shows the SuiteApp process: Matching, Unmatching, or Reference editing (SuiteApp is changing the Matching Reference).

    • Matching Status – Shows the current status of the matching process:

      • Pending – transaction lines are awaiting action

      • Processing – transaction lines are being processed

      • Failed – action attempted on the transaction lines was not successful

    • Matching Date – Date and time the action started.

    • User – Name of the employee who performed the action.

    Selected transaction lines are assigned a matching code, and their matching status changes. If a newly created group has a total balance of zero, its matching status is Matched. For information about the matching status, see GL Matching Terminology.

  4. (Optional) On the Matching In Progress subtab, click Show List of Transactions in the Transactions column to view a list of transaction lines in an account.


    You can click the transaction line name and number in the list to see the transaction record. You cannot, however, make any changes to the record.

Best Practice for Matching more than 500 Lines

This section contains the best practice if you want to match more than the limit of 500 transaction lines.

The best practice is to match transaction lines in batches by doing the following:

  • Select and match 500 transaction lines. When a matching code has been assigned, this means that the transaction lines now belong to a matched group.

  • Select any representative transaction line from the group. Then, select transaction lines that you would like to match to the group. When you click Match, you will be asked whether to add the selected transaction lines to the matched group, or create a new group with a new matching code. For more information, see Adding Transaction Lines to a Group.

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