Setting Role Restrictions on GL Matching Features
Administrators can set up restrictions for custom roles in the use of the Subsidiary, Department, Class, and Location filters on the GL Matching Dashboard. Depending on the restrictions set on Subsidiaries, for example, a custom role may be able to select on the GL Matching Dashboard all active subsidiaries or only the subsidiary set on their employee record.
To set restrictions for custom roles:
Go to Setup > Users/Roles > User Management > Manage Roles.
Click Edit next to the custom role that you want to have restrictions.
On the Subsidiary Restrictions subtab, select the subsidiaries that this custom role will have access to:
All – All subsidiaries, including those that are inactive.
Active – Active subsidiaries only.
User Subsidiary – User’s subsidiary only. A user’s subsidiary is set on the employee record.
Selected – Selected subsidiaries from the list. You may select more than one subsidiary from the list.
For more information, see Restricting Role Access to Subsidiaries (OneWorld Only).
On the Restrictions subtab, set the custom role’s restrictions to all or any of the segments (Class, Department, or Location) according to the following levels:
none -default to own – No restriction on what can be selected.
own, subordinate, and unassigned – Users are restricted to records with their own location/department/class, children records of their location/department/class, and records with unassigned location/department/class field. For example, if your role has access to department A, you can only see accounts in department A, as well as its children or unassigned accounts.
own and subordinates only – Users are restricted to records with their own location/department/class and children records of their location/department/class. For example, if your role has access to location B, you can only see records with location B, as well as its children.
For more information, see Setting Department, Class, and Location Restrictions.
Click Add after adding every segment and its corresponding restriction level.
Click Save.
If a custom role has not been assigned a Department, Class, or Location on its employee record, the restrictions set on the role record for Department, Class, or Location are ignored.