Approving Vendor Bills in the Employee Center
You can approve vendor bills in two different ways:
Standard Vendor Bill Approval -Use this method to approve one or more vendor bills when you do not have complex approval requirements. For more information, see Approving Vendor Bills With Standard Vendor Bill Approval.
Custom Vendor Bill Approval Routing Using SuiteFlow -Use this method for more complex approval requirements. You can also use this method when you want to flag exceptions for discrepancies between the purchase order and the vendor bill. For more information about configuring a custom vendor bill approval workflow, see Vendor Bill Approval Workflow.
When you use the standard vendor bill approval in the Employee Center you only have the option to select one or more bills for approval. Using approval routing, you can customize the actions. For example, using a vendor bill approval routing workflow you can include the Approve and Reject buttons, include an alternate approver, or use approval limits.
After a vendor bill is approved, you cannot cancel or change the status of that bill.
The approval process using vendor bill approval routing varies depending on the workflow. The following procedure describes only the standard approval process in the Employee Center.
For information about vendor bill approvals not using the Employee Center, see Vendor Bill Approvals.
To approve vendor bills in the Employee Center using Standard Approval:
Log in to NetSuite in the custom Employee Center role.
In the Reminders portlet, click the Bill to Approve link.
Optionally, click the date of a bill to open the bill details.
In the Approve Bills page, select the bills that you want to approve.
Click the Submit button to approve the selected bills.