Viewing and Editing Currency Exchange Rate Types
You need a user role with the Currency permission to view and edit currency exchange rate types. An administrator can add this Lists permission to your role. Only Edit level permission is required since you cannot delete currency exchange rate types.
You can view all the fields in all your currency exchange rate types from the Currency Exchange Rate Types list page. From the list, you can also make currency exchange rate types active or inactive and select individual rate types to edit other fields. For instructions for these actions, see the following subsections:
Viewing the Currency Exchange Rate Types List
You can view all the fields in your currency exchange rate types records from the list page. Currency exchange rate types have only three fields as shown in the following screenshot of the list page.

To view the Currency Exchange Rate Types list:
Go to Lists > Accounting > Currency Exchange Rate Types.
(Optional) If the Inactive column is not visible, check the Show Inactives box.
Changing the Inactive Status of Currency Exchange Rate Types
You can make currency exchange rate types active or inactive from the list page or by editing individual currency exchange rate type records. From the list page, you can count how many rate types are active in your system.
To change the Inactive status from the list page:
Go to Lists > Accounting > Currency Exchange Rate Types.
If the Inactive column is not visible, check the Show Inactives box.
If you have exceeded the maximum active rate types, check boxes in the Inactive column to make rate types inactive.
You cannot check the Inactive box for the currency exchange rate type that is the default. The box is disabled.
Click Submit.
Editing a Currency Exchange Rate Type
If you want to edit the Name or Description field of a currency exchange rate type, you must open the individual record.
To edit a currency exchange rate type:
Go to Lists > Accounting > Currency Exchange Rate Types.
Click Edit to the left of the currency exchange rate type you want to edit.
Make the desired changes in the record, and click Save.