Currency Exchange Rate History

The Currency Exchange Rate History page provides a historical list of currency exchange rate updates for your account.

To view the Currency Exchange Rate History page, go to Lists > Accounting > Currency Exchange Rates, and then click History.

The list header shows the total currency exchange rate records in your account. If you have more records than can be displayed on a single page, the header includes navigational arrows and a dropdown list of date ranges. The rows in the list display the following information:



Base Currency

A company or subsidiary’s functional currency. This is the currency that you use an exchange rate to convert to.

Source Currency

A transaction or foreign currency. This is the currency you convert from. The exchange rate is the number of base currency units that equal one source currency unit.

ISO Code

The three-letter International Standards Organization (ISO) currency code for the source currency.

Recorded Date

The date and time the Currency Exchange Rate record was created.

Effective Date

The date to begin using the exchange rate in the After Change column.

Source Date

If you use the Currency Exchange Rate Integration feature, this is a timestamp for the automatic rate update. Xignite provides a full timestamp. For manually entered or imported exchange rates, this value is the same as the Recorded Date.

This field is empty for the initial rates NetSuite provides, rates with an effective date of 1/1/1970.


For automatic rate updates, the user is –System–. For manually entered or imported exchange rates, the full name of the user is displayed. When rates are added in conjunction with the creation of a subsidiary, the name is the user who created the subsidiary.

Before Change

The currency exchange rate prior to the update.

After Change

The currency exchange rate after the update.

If you use the Currency Exchange Rate Types feature, the Currency Exchange Rate History page includes an Exchange Rate Type filter and column.

For information about automatic updates, see Currency Exchange Rate Integration.

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General Notices