France Fichier d'Ecritures Comptables (FEC) Field Mapping


This topic pertains to the France FEC files generation feature, which is no longer supported as of Tax Audit File SuiteApp version 1.85.0. You can only use this SuiteApp to generate France FEC files from 2022 and earlier. To generate this report, see Fichier d’Ecritures Comptables (FEC) in France Localization.

Fichier d’Ecritures Comptables (FEC) is France’s version of standard audit file for tax (SAF-T), which is aligned to the national chart of accounts, Plan Comptable Général. The France FEC report is generated in flat file format (.txt) with the following report columns and field mapping in NetSuite:

Field Name


NetSuite Field



The ID of the journal entry

Transaction Type -Short Name

i.e. CustInv


The name of the journal entry

Transaction Type -Long Name

i.e. Invoice


The number from a gapless sequence of the posting transactions




The posting date of the posting transaction

Transaction Date or GL# Date


It is recommended to use Transaction Date as EcritureDate.

For more information using Transaction Date, see When to Use the Transaction Date as EcritureDate. For more information using GL# Date, see When to Use GL# Date as EcritureDate.


The account number whose first three characters must correspond to the numbers specified by the French chart of accounts standard

Order of field sourcing:

  1. Number setup using Accounting Context

  2. Number setup using Statutory Chart of Accounts for Tax Audit Files

  3. Account number using Chart of Accounts



The account name, which must correspond to naming conventions specified by the French chart of accounts standard

Order of field sourcing:

  1. Name setup using Accounting Context

  2. Name setup under Setup > Accounting > Statutory Chart of Accounts for Tax Audit Files

  3. Account name using Chart of Accounts



The auxiliary account number (leave blank if not applicable)

Customer/ Vendor Internal ID

To use customer or vendor internal ID for the CompAuxNum, see Tax Audit Files Configuration for the FEC Report.


The auxiliary account name (leave blank if not applicable)

Customer/ Vendor ID

To use customer or vendor name for the CompAuxLib , see Tax Audit Files Configuration for the FEC Report.


The reference of the original accounting document

Order of field sourcing:

  1. Document Number

  2. Transaction Number

  3. Transaction ID



The date of the original accounting document

Order of field sourcing:

  1. Document Date

  2. Transaction Date



The name of the posting transaction

Order of field sourcing:

  1. Transaction > Items > Description

  2. Transaction > Memo

  3. Account > Account Number +Account Name


For Notional Tax Posting, memo value is ="Autoliquidation de TVA"


The debit amount

Debit amount of the GL impact

Value is set to 0,00 when no debit amount is reported.


The credit amount

Credit amount of the GL impact

Value is set to 0,00 when no credit amount is reported.


The reconciliation of the posting transaction (leave blank if not applicable)


Not yet supported


The date of the reconciliation transaction (leave blank if not applicable)


Not yet supported


The date of validation of the posting transaction

GL# Date



The foreign currency amount (leave blank if not applicable)

Transaction currency amount

Value is set to blank if no foreign currency is applicable.


The foreign currency ID (leave blank if not applicable)

Order of field sourcing:

  1. Transaction currency

  2. Subsidiary currency

Currency ISO code, i.e. USD.


The establishment code

Order of field sourcing:

  1. Transaction > Items > Items > Establishment Code

  2. Transaction > France Tax Reporting > Establishment Code


This is an optional column of the FEC report. If subsidiary does not use the Establishment Code fields either at the line item or header levels, CodeEtbt column will not be shown on the report.

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