Viewing Workbook Data in the Analytics Portlet
For charts, pivot tables and table views, you can do the following:
Access all data and capabilities of the portlet by clicking the double arrow icon
to expand the view to full-screen.
Update the data displayed on your portlet by clicking the refresh icon
if you cannot see the latest data.
For charts, you can change the chart type by clicking the drop-down arrow in the upper-left corner of the portlet, and then click the thumbnail. These are the available chart types:
Basic – Column Chart, Bar Chart, Area Chart, and Line Chart.
Stacked – Column Chart, Bar Chart, Area Chart, and Line Chart.
For more information about the different chart types, see Chart Types.
Filters applied to the underlying workbook are available from the portlet. You can modify these filters or add new filters in the same way that you do from the Workbook UI.
These changes apply only to the portlet. Also note that if you refresh the portlet with the refresh icon or by logging in and out of NetSuite, it clears any filters applied to the portlet. For more information about workbook filters, see Workbook Visualization Filters.