Creating an Employee Change Request from the Employee Center
Managers can create employee change requests from a custom Employee Center role. They can create employee change requests on the Manager tab in the My Team portlet. To create an employee change request in the Employee Center, you must enable the Employee Center Dashboard Publishing feature. For more information, see Employee Center Dashboard Publishing Feature.
Watch the following help video for information about creating an employee change request from the employee center:
To create an employee change request:
On the Manager tab, go to the My Team portlet.
Point to the Actions menu next to the employee for whom you want to request a change. Then, select the type of change you want to make.
Note:If the type of employee change request you want to make is not in the list, contact your HR Administrator.
On the request form, complete the following:
Request Changes - The employee’s current information appears on the left. Select new values from the fields on the right.
Proposed Date -Enter a future date in the date panel. This date is used to apply the change as an effective-dated change.
Note:The proposed date must be in the future. If this change is required now, contact your HR Administrator.
Justification -Explain your reason for requesting this change.
Click Submit.