Making a Website Inactive
If you want to make a website inaccessible to users but you do not want to delete it permanently, you can set the website record to be inactive. An inactive website is no longer accessible to users but retains its internal references to other areas of NetSuite.
Inactivating a website has the following effects:
Makes all the website domains inaccessible.
Deletes the website search index.
Clears all caches, including CDN caches.
Reduces the number of active websites, thereby freeing up a site licence.
Removes the inactive site from most related dropdowns and lists. For example, you can no longer select it from domain records.
All Commerce offerings can be made inactive. You can reactivate an inactive site provided the site limit in your NetSuite licence has not been reached. If you reactivate a website, its search index needs to be rebuilt before the website is accessible again. For more information on rebuilding a search index, see Events that Trigger Search Index Rebuild.
To make a website inactive:
Go to Commerce > Websites > Website List.
Click Edit next to the website you want to make inactive.
Check the Inactive box.
Review the confirmation message to ensure you understand the effects of website inactivation. Click OK to continue.
Click Save.
After you make a website inactive, it will not be available for selection in dropdown lists. However, inactive websites will still be included in reports and saved searches. To filter inactive records out of reports and search results, set the Inactive filter to False. Similarly, if you do not want to see items from inactive sites, set the Web Site -Inactive filter to False in the search criteria of item saved searches.
To view inactive websites:
Go to Commerce > Websites > Website List.
Check the Show Inactives box.
The page automatically reloads to display inactive websites. Inactive websites contain “Inactive” in the Inactive column.
To reactivate an inactive website:
Ensure that the site limit in your NetSuite licence has not been reached. If it has, contact your account manager to purchase additional site licenses. You can also consider inactivating an unused site to free up a site licence.
Go to Commerce > Websites > Website List.
Check the Show Inactives box at the top of the list of websites.
Click Edit next to the inactive website you want to reactivate.
Clear the Inactive box.
Click Save.
A search index rebuild is triggered for the website. The website is available to visitors once the rebuild is complete.
If SuiteTax is enabled, inactive Site Builder websites can only be reactivated if their Web Site Scope is set to “Information and Catalog” or “Information Only”.