Migrate From Kilimanjaro and Earlier

Follow the instructions in this section if you are currently implementing any of the following releases of SCA. Migrating from these implementations requires adaptation of any current customizations into themes and extensions:


The best practice to customize SCA is through themes and extensions. Earlier versions of SCA (prior to Aconcagua) do not support themes and extensions, which do not require modification of source code. If you have modified any core SCA files in your existing implementation, best practice is to re-create these changes as themes or extensions. If your customizations modify objects not accessible through the Extensibility API, you must migrate this custom code manually to the new version. See Extensibility API for more information.

To migrate to the latest release:

  1. Install the new bundle.


    Before migrating to a new release, review the SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced Release Notes for important notifications and details regarding changes included in the release. Each major release might include bug fixes and changes in the form of periodic minor releases. Make sure you implement the latest minor release of the active version.

    1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles.

    2. Enter the bundle ID for the latest version of SCA. Bundle IDs are listed in the SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced Release Notes.

    3. Select the bundle in the results list and then click Install. Follow any on-screen prompts to continue the install.

      The bundle installation may take a while. A pending message displays in the status column of the Installed Bundles page. Refresh the screen during the process to see when the installation is complete.

  2. Download the new source code from the file cabinet to your local environment.

    The source zip file is located at Web Site Hosting Files > Live Hosting Files > SSP Applications > NetSuite Inc. — SCA [version] > Source > _Sources. After downloading is complete, unzip the file into a new working directory.

  3. Examine all customizations to your existing source code of the previous implementation.


    The latest version of SuiteCommerce Advanced does not include Sass or HTML source and also utilizes the Extensibility API to customize most JavaScript, SuiteScript, and JSON. You must recreate existing customizations as themes or extensions to carry them over to your new implementation of SCA.

    1. Create one or more themes to implement any existing Sass and HTML template customizations. See Develop Themes for details.

    2. Create one or more extensions to implement any existing JavaScript, SuiteScript, or JSON customizations. See Develop Extensions and Extensibility API for details.

  4. All customizations should be implemented using themes and extensions. However, if your existing customizations include objects not accessible using the Extensibility API, migrate these customizations to the new source code directory.

    1. Create a duplicate of your custom module folder in the new source code directory.


      This applies to custom modules that are not standard SCA source modules. Any source SCA modules that have been customized may require comparison against the new version plus any required manual edits to the code.

    2. Copy your existing custom modules into the new custom module folder.

    3. Update the new distro.json file to include references to any custom modules and to define any custom application dependencies.


      Do not copy the existing distro.json file contents directly into the new distro.json file. Doing this causes overwrites to changes made in the distro.json file to support the new release. For example, a new module may be referenced. NetSuite recommends evaluating the DIFF between files to ensure that you migrate all changes from your local distro.json file into the new distro.json file.

    4. Any module that changed in the new release bears a higher version number from its previous release. Compare module version numbers to assess which modules have been updated and migrate the changes to any existing customizations as necessary. Refer to the SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced Release Notes for details on which modules were changed and why.


      Migrating to a new release requires testing to ensure any existing customizations remain viable. Evaluate differences in code against your existing customizations and test thoroughly before deploying to your live site. See Best Practices for Customizing SCA.

  5. Link your site record and domain to an SSP application as required. This can be the SSP Application for the latest version of SCA or one specifically intended for development.

    1. Go to Commerce > Hosting > SSP Applications and click View next to the SuiteCommerce Advanced Dev <version> application.

    2. Click Link to Domain.

    3. Select the development domain for this SSP Application.

  6. Deploy your local files and test appropriately.

    Testing may consist of various scenarios depending on your setup. You can deploy your local files to any of the following locations:

    • Themes and extensions require the theme or extension developer tools. These are included with the SuiteCommerce Extension Management bundle. This requires setting up the appropriate developer environment. See Develop Themes and Develop Extensions for details.

    • Core source code customizations require the core SCA developer tools. This requires setting up the appropriate developer environment. See Set Up SCA Developer Tools for details. Core SCA customizations can be deployed to:

      For example, you can deploy your customizations to a local server or to a NetSuite sandbox account for testing. If you do not have a Sandbox account, you can deploy to an SSP Application linked to a development domain in NetSuite. After testing, deploy your files to the SSP Application linked to the primary domain.

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