Importing Data Using a Bank Connectivity Plug-in


The Bank Connectivity Plug-in interface is still functional but is no longer supported as of NetSuite 2020.1. To directly connect to a financial institution and automate bank data imports for matching and reconciliation, use the Financial Institution Connectivity Plug-in. For details, see Automating Imports for Bank Reconciliation.

Follow this procedure to download files locally from a secure server, which the Bank Connectivity Plug-in can then retrieve and upload automatically to NetSuite. If your financial institution can generate the files to a specific location, like a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server, then the plug-in can get the file and upload it.

To do this procedure, you need the following:


The following procedure is only applicable if you are configuring a manual import for bank or credit card reconciliation. To configure a manual import for expense reporting, see Importing Data Using a Financial Institution Record.

To import bank data using the Bank Connectivity Plug-in:

  1. Go to Transactions > Bank > Banking Import History > Upload File.

    NetSuite displays the Upload File page. The Manual Import subtab is open by default.

  2. Click the Connectivity Plug-in subtab.

  3. From the Connectivity Plug-in list, select a Bank Connectivity Plug-in. Only Bank Connectivity Plug-ins appear in this list.

  4. From the Financial Institution list, select a financial institution record.

  5. From the Format Profile list, select a format profile record.

    A format profile is a record within a financial institution record that contains configuration settings for imports. Only format profiles configured for manual import appear in this list. If the selected financial institution record only has one format profile, NetSuite selects it by default.


    If you have the applicable permissions, you can create a new financial institution, format profile record, or connectivity plug-in from this page. Click the plus icon next to the field.

  6. Click Import to initiate the import process.

    The Bank Connectivity Plug-in retrieves the file and uploads it to NetSuite, using the settings configured in the selected financial institution and associated format profile record.

    NetSuite displays a progress message. To view the processing status of your import, click Track your status.

    NetSuite displays the Banking Import History page. For more information, see Banking Import History.

When the import process completes, you can perform matching and reconciliation. See Bank Data Matching and Reconciliation.

To automatically generate customer payments from imported bank lines, apply the payments to invoices, and match and submit the payments for reconciliation, see Generating Customer Payments.

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