Performance Tips for using Third-Party SuiteApps
If you are using bundles that integrate to NetSuite, make sure that they are up to date so that you can take advantage of their latest performance improvements.
NetSuite can use third-party applications delivered through SuiteApps to apply payments or calculate taxes for SuiteCommerce InStore (SCIS) transactions. Each third-party provider might include performance enhancements in new versions. However, the version provided to SuiteApps are in the form of unmanaged bundles. You must manually update these bundles to install new versions.
To check for third-party bundle updates:
Go to Customization >SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles > List.
The Version column shows an exclamation icon
if a new version is available.
Click the icon for details.
Click the green arrow on the left and select Update to get the latest version.