Prioritizing Recognition Treatment Rules

The priority numbers of recognition treatment rules determine the recognition treatment that a revenue element gets. The treatment rule lookup process begins with the highest priority rule (priority number 1) and continues until it finds a rule that matches the element. When the process finds a match, it ends. If the process does not find a match, the revenue element retains the values it had before the lookup.

To be considered, a rule that is an exception to a general rule must have a higher priority (lower number) than the general rule. For example, if you have a general rule for a specific transaction type, and also have subsidiary-specific rules for that transaction type, make the subsidiary-specific rules higher priority.

To change the priority of recognition treatment rules

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Revenue > Recognition Treatment Rules, and click Prioritize Rules.

  2. On the Recognition Treatment Rule Ranking page, use the buttons for each row to adjust the position of the row in the list. On this page, the rules appear in priority ranking order.

    For example, to make the rule for EU subsidiary invoices rank higher than the general invoice rule, select the EU subsid invoices row and click Move Up. The EU subsid invoices rule then becomes Priority 1, and Invoice transactions becomes Priority 2.

    Screenshot of the Recognitin Treatment Rule Ranking page

    You can also click the row handle (the six dots before the rule name) and move the row to the position you want.

  3. When you are satisfied with the ranking, click Save.

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