Creating the Authorization Header for SuiteSignOn

The creation of the header is straightforward. Place the correct parameter in the correct place.


Each parameter must be percent-encoded. The examples in this section use PHP rawurlencode.


            $header = 'Authorization: OAuth '
         .'oauth_token="' .rawurlencode($tokenKey) .'", '
         .'oauth_consumer_key="' .rawurlencode($consumerKey) .'", '
         .'oauth_nonce="' .rawurlencode($nonce) .'", '
         .'oauth_timestamp="' .rawurlencode($timestamp) .'", '
         .'oauth_signature_method="' .rawurlencode($signatureMethod) .'", '
         .'oauth_version="' .rawurlencode($version) .'", '
         .'oauth_signature="' .rawurlencode($signature) .'"'; 


Header HMAC-SHA256 Example

              Authorization: OAuth oauth_token="030e6a121766126c6b445655477e7252517c395926f3430a",  oauth_consumer_key="VutaTaro1ktGNXKD",  oauth_nonce="fjaLirsIcCGVZWzBX0pg", oauth_timestamp="1508242306", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA256", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature="Q6jMu61V%2BORdf6UeZ39ixFSu3rXO2dwwuCq8PlcWNqQ%3D" 


Header HMAC-SHA1 Example

              Authorization: OAuth oauth_token="030e6a121766126c6b445655477e7252517c395926f3430a",  oauth_consumer_key="VutaTaro1ktGNXKD",  oauth_nonce="fjaLirsIcCGVZWzBX0pg", oauth_timestamp="1508242306", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature="AAt58FZt8gxQZz9gtxSF%2FErFbcg%3D" 


Header PLAINTEXT Example

              Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="VutaTaro1ktGNXKD", oauth_token="030e6a121766126c6b445655477e7252517c395926f3430a", oauth_nonce="fjaLirsIcCGVZWzBX0pg", oauth_timestamp="1508242306", oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature="S3cr3t%2520P%2540ssw0rd%26" 


Additional Shared Secret Requirements If Using PLAINTEXT

The shared secret must comply with the requirements specified in RFC 5849- OAuth 1.0, sections 3.4.4, 3.5.1 and 3.6.

  • The shared secret must be percent-encoded. Percent-encoding uses hexadecimal numbers. (You may be more familiar with URL encoding, which is different than percent-encoding. In percent-encoding, the space character (+) must be encoded as %20. When double-encoded, the space character %20 becomes %2520.)

  • The OAuth signature must include the ampersand character (&) which is used as a delimiter (ASCII code 38 in decimal, but %26 after encoding) even if the token secret is not used in SuiteSignOn.

  • For SuiteSignOn, the format is: signature = rawurlencode( rawurlencode(shared secret) '&' )

    For example, if you chose P@mpered15! as your shared secret, when encoded, the signature would be: "P%2540mpered15%2521%26"

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General Notices