Types of Dashboard Tiles

These are the three tile types that you can create and customize:


Creating dashboard tiles using a saved search for wave transactions is not supported.

Static Tile

A static tile displays a static value. Examples of static values are percentage rate and target amount. You can use a SuiteScript to update the value for handling complex metrics that may require more than one saved search. For example, a static tile can be created for Target Revenue This Quarter.

Reminder Tile

A reminder tile displays numeric data derived from a saved search. The values displayed in a reminder tile are based on the number of results as specified in the saved search record. For example, a reminder tile can be created for Opportunities to Close, Sales Orders to Fulfill, etc.

Scorecard Tile

A scorecard tile displays the sum of the values in the first available numeric column of a saved search. Numeric columns can contain currencies, integers, floats, or decimals.

For example, you selected Cash Sale by Customer as the saved search to use for a scorecard tile. The saved search contains the following numeric and non-numeric fields: Customer Name, Sum of Amounts, Average of Quantity, and Count of Account Type. In this example, Sum of Amounts is listed as the first numeric column of the saved search. After saving the record, the scorecard tile displays the sum of all rows in the Sum of Amounts column.


If the saved search does not contain a numeric column, you cannot save the record.

Comparison Scorecard Tile

A comparison scorecard tile is a scorecard tile that you can use to compare a static value versus a saved search result or to compare two saved search results.

For example, you can use a comparison scorecard tile to compare sales of the current month versus sales from the previous month. The tile displays the comparison results depending on the comparison type selected, along with the current and previous values used in the computation.

You can select the following comparison types based on the result you want to display in the tile:

Comparison Type



Difference = Current ÷ Previous

The Difference is calculated by dividing the current value (from the source saved search) by the previous value (from the compare saved search).

Variance Percentage

Variance Percentage = ((Current – Previous) ÷ Previous) × 100

The Variance Percentage is calculated as the current value minus the previous value divided by the previous value and multiplied by 100.

Absolute Ratio

Absolute Ratio = Current – Previous

The Absolute Ratio is calculated as the current value minus the previous value.

Note the following when using a comparison scorecard tile:

  • Columns that contain IDs (such as internal and external IDs) and document numbers are not considered as numeric columns.

  • The system displays N/A in the tile when there is an error in computation. Errors are caused by one of the following scenarios:

    • The saved search used contains an invalid expression or formula.

    • The denominator used in the computation is 0. For example, the current value is 100 and the previous value is 0.

  • To avoid errors when saving a record, be sure to select a custom saved search and not a standard saved search.

  • A maximum of 30 comparison scorecard tiles can be displayed in the portlet. For example, if you created 50 comparison scorecard tiles, only the first 30 tiles are displayed correctly.

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