Defining an Advanced Login Audit Trail Search

To define an advanced Login Audit Trail search:

  1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > View Login Audit Trail.

  2. Check the Use Advanced Search box.

  3. Click the Criteria subtab to define filters.

    • Select a field from the Filter dropdown list, select a value in the field popup, and click Add, repeating to define additional filter fields.

    • Available filter fields include: Date, formulas, IP Address, Role, User, Employee fields, Role fields, and in some cases Customer, Partner, and/or Vendor fields.

    • For more information, see Advanced Search Criteria Filters.

  4. Click the Results subtab to define columns to appear in search results.

    • Select a field from the Field dropdown list and click Add, repeating to define additional results fields.

    • Available results fields include: Date, Email Address, formulas, IP Address, Request URI, Role, Security Challenge, Status, User, User Agent, Employee fields, Role fields, token-based Authentication fields (Detail, Token-based Access Token Name, Token-based Application Name) and in some cases Customer, Partner, and/or Vendor fields.

    • You also can set up sorting and summarizing options for results. For more information, see Search Results Display Options.

  5. After you have defined criteria and results display options for an advanced search, you can:

    • Click Submit to run the search and open a NetSuite page with a list of results.

    • Click Export to run the search and save results to a .csv file that you can save to disk or open on your desktop. For more information about exporting search results, see Exporting Search Results.

    • Click Personalize Search to open a saved search page with no criteria or results options defined, where you can define a personalized search form to be your default search form for the record type.

    • Click Create Saved Search to open a saved search page that includes the criteria and results options you defined. For more information, see Saved Searches.

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