Viewing the Timing Breakdown of an Operation

You can view the timing breakdown of an operation on the Timeline and Timing Details sections of Profiler Details.

Viewing Data on the Timeline Section of Profiler Details

The Timeline section maps how long each type of information ran during the operation. It covers the following types of information:

  • Record - Refers to the timing of a record operation.

  • Script - Refers to the timing of a script.

  • Script Initialization - Refers to when scripts are initialized or started.

  • Workflow - Refers to the timing of a workflow.

  • Workflow Execution - Refers to when workflows are executed or ran.

  • Request URL - Refers to the timing of a request URLs.

  • Script Execution - Refers to when scripts are executed or ran.

  • Saved Search - Refers to the timing of a search.

  • Web Service - Refers to the timing of a web service.

  • Initialization Request - Refers to the timing of requests to initialize scripts.

  • After Submit - Refers to events after users perform actions that save or submit a record and after changes are committed to the database.

  • Before Submit - Refers to events when users perform actions that save or submit a record but before changes are committed to the database.

  • Prepare Before Load - Refers to events when users perform actions that prepare to load or read a record.

  • Prepare Submit — Refers to events when users perform actions that prepare to save or submit a record.

  • Approvals Execution - Refers to when actions to change the approval status of a record are executed or ran.

  • Workflow Details - A section of the Workflow Execution content that refers to in-depth details related to a workflow that was executed or ran.


Profiler Details in APM cannot display information about client scripts.

In the Timeline section, you can point to a segment of data to view more details like execution time and type of information. These details provide context about the data. By knowing the execution time, for instance, you can determine if the value is equal to your expected time for that segment.

When you view the labels of the x-axis in the timeline, you may see the following icons:

  • Hierarchy icon – You can click this icon to drill down to the child of a record. After you click this icon, all sections in Profiler Details refreshes to show the timing details and context of the child record.

  • Note icon – You can click this icon to view the API calls for a script you want to explore.


Note: On the Profiler Details timeline, gaps may exist between lines. This signifies NetSuite server time that is not associated with your NetSuite customizations.

Viewing Data on the Timing Details Section of Profiler Details

The Timing Details section shows the context and timing information in a table format. It includes the following information for each time entry:

  • Date & Time – Shows when the operation started to process.

  • Type – Shows which type of information is being processed.

  • Name – Shows the name assigned to the operation.

  • Execution Time – Shows the total duration that the operation took to process.

  • Operation – For records, this specifies the operation that was applied on the record.

  • Searches – Shows the number of scripts that ran during the operation.

  • Workflows – Shows the number of workflows that ran during the operation.

  • Records from Scripts/Workflows – Shows the number of records triggered by scripts and workflows that ran during the operation.

  • Request URLs – Shows the number of URL requests that ran during the operation.

  • Record Type – Shows the record type assigned to the operation.

  • Context – Shows the context for the type of information, such as script, that ran.

  • Script Type – Shows the type of script associated with a script that ran. This column remains blank if the type is not a script.

  • Deployment – Shows the name of the script deployment and links to the deployment record. This column is blank if the type is not a script.

  • Entry Point – Shows the user-defined name of the function that was invoked for the operation to run.

  • Trigger Type – Shows the type of operation that was used to trigger an event. This column is blank if the type is not a script.

  • Bundle – Shows the bundle ID associated with the operation that ran.

  • Method – For Request URLs, this specifies the http method used.

  • Web Service Operation – Shows the web service operation that is associated with the type of information that ran.

  • API Version – Shows the version of the API when the operation ran.

To export data from the Timing Details section, click the CSV export icon.

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