Generating the China Voucher List
The China Voucher List feature provides the following:
Enables you to generate voucher lists for printing and details such as general ledger (GL) accounts and numbers, document numbers, class, location, and departments.
Allows you to view and print multiple vouchers for all transaction types.
To ensure correct information and reporting, make sure that the transaction and record names are in their default values. Go to Setup > Company > Rename Records/Transactions to check your record and transaction names. For more information, see Renaming Records and Transactions.
Generating the China Voucher List
The following describes the steps to access and use the China Voucher List feature. You can use the filters to search the vouchers that you want to review and print.
To customize China Voucher List preferences, see Setting Up Preferences for China Voucher List.
Printing the China Voucher List (Batch Printing)
Go to Transactions > Financial > China Voucher List.
Under the Subsidiary dropdown, choose the subsidiary you want to display.
(Optional) On the Date From and To fields, enter a date range to include.
(Optional) Under the Location dropdown, choose the specific Location you want to include.
(Optional) Under the GL Account list, choose the General Ledger account you want to include.
On the Period From and To fields, select an accounting period you want the report to display.
(Optional) On the Document No. From and To fields, enter the specific range of document numbers you want the report to display.
(Optional) Under the Department dropdown, choose a Department you want to include.
(Optional) Under the Transaction Type list, choose a Transaction Type you want to include.
(Optional) Under the Voucher No. From and To fields, enter a voucher number range you want the report to display.
Tip:You can only sort using numbers in the Document No. and Voucher No. range filters. Characters or letters are excluded from the range filter.
In the Accounting Context dropdown, select an accounting context. For more information, see Accounting Contexts.
(Optional) Under the Class dropdown, choose the Class category you want to include in the report. For more information, see Class.
(Optional) Under the Original Creator dropdown, choose the user whose report you want to view.
(Optional) Under Related Entity, select a Type from the dropdown.
(Optional) In the Name dropdown that appears under Related Entity, select an entity from the list.
Click Refresh. The page will reload to display the records.
(Optional) To view the details of a single voucher, click View under the China Voucher List subtab. For more information, see To Review and Print a Single Voucher.
Click the Export PDF button to save the voucher list as a PDF.
(Optional) Click the Export Excel button to save the voucher list as an Excel file.
If there are more than 500 voucher lines selected, you may need to wait a few minutes before the PDF or Excel file becomes available. After the PDF or Excel file is generated, the system sends you an email notification with the link to the PDF or Excel file.
Accounting Voucher Sample (Batch)
The following is a sample page for batch printing the accounting voucher list:

To Review and Print a Single Voucher
Go to Transactions > Financial > China Voucher List.
Fill out the required filters. For more information, see Printing the China Voucher List (Batch Printing).
Click View under the China Voucher List subtab.
A new screen displays a single voucher list.
Click the Print button to save the voucher list as a PDF.
(Optional) Click Document No. to view detailed transaction information.
Accounting Voucher Sample (Single Voucher)
The following is a sample of an accounting voucher:

The following is a sample of a printed accounting voucher:

Accounting Voucher Sample (Excel Export)
The following is a sample of an excel export of an accounting voucher: