Hierarchical Fields
SuiteAnalytics Workbook supports hierarchical fields. Hierarchical fields behave similarly to standard record fields, except that you can choose to display the field values as hierarchies or child values. You can also create filter conditions at the parent or child levels of the hierarchy.
Display Options for Hierarchical Fields
When you add a hierarchical field to a pivot table or chart, you are prompted to select a display option for the field values.
You have the following options:

Select Show child level only to display only the child-level values for the field.
Select Show single-column hierarchy to display the full hierarchy values for the field in a single column or chart measurement.
Select Show multi-column hierarchy to display each level of the hierarchy in a separate table column or chart measurement. If you select this option and enable total or grand totals for the pivot table, totals are calculated for each hierarchy level.
For example, in the following table the Item field is displayed as a multi-column hierarchy. Consequently, the table calculates totals for each bedroom item and for the bedroom parent level.
To change the hierarchy display for a field after adding it to a pivot table or chart, click the Field Menu icon in the Layout panel and select a new display option.

Filter Conditions for Hierarchical Fields
When you create a filter condition based on a hierarchical field, there is an additional Show Hierarchy option displayed in the Filter window.

When this option is enabled, the Filter window displays only the parent values for the selected field. If you create a filter condition at the parent level, only records with fields that have the selected parent are included in your pivot table or chart. For example, assume your dataset has two records with a class of New Customer but only one of those records has a parent class of Web Store Business. If you create a filter condition to exclude records that have a parent value of Web Store Business, one of the New Customer records is removed from your workbook visualization.