Viewing and Editing Currency Records

To view or edit an existing currency record, go to Lists > Accounting > Currencies and click the Name link. The Currencies list page includes the following columns:

If the Currency Exchange Rate Integration feature is enabled, the following additional columns are displayed. For more information, see Currency Record Fields for Currency Exchange Rate Integration.

The currency record contains system notes that track to meet audit requirements. The system notes list is below the other fields on the currency page. Standard View and Field filter lists appear above the system notes list.

To view or edit a currency, click the name of the currency. Currency records always open in edit mode. You can edit only the following fields on the currency record.




Use a name that combines the country name or abbreviation as well as the name of the currency. The currency name you enter here is shown as an option for the currency on customer, vendor, and other records.

Default Locale

If you change the Default Locale, the default currency format changes, but you must change the ISO Code.

ISO Code

Be sure to change ISO Code if you change the Default Locale. You receive a warning if you change the value to an unsupported ISO code. Non-standard ISO codes significantly slow down the exchange rate update process.

Automatic Update

This field is available only when the Currency Exchange Rate Integration feature is enabled in your account.

By default, the box is checked. The check indicates that standard ISO exchange rates are automatically updated by the system. For more information, see Currency Exchange Rate Integration.

Clear the box if you do not want an exchange rate update to occur for a specific currency. If this box is cleared for a base currency, the automatic updates that occur with that currency are only those updates from source currencies to that base currency. For example, if GBP is a base currency and does not have automatic update enabled on its currency record, no updates occur except with source currencies that consider GBP a base currency. If GBP is the source currency in the exchange rate, no exchange rate updates occur.

Update Time Zone

This field is displayed only when the Currency Exchange Rate Integration feature is enabled and only for base currency records.

Select the time zone to use to determine the time of daily exchange rate updates. The default is U.S. Eastern time. Rate updates occur at 6 a.m. in the time zone you select.

Currency Precision

To change this read-only field to a list through which you can change the precision from zero or two, contact NetSuite Customer Support. For more information, see Currency Decimal Precision.


Clear the box to make the currency available, or check it to make the currency inactive. You cannot make a currency inactive if any open transactions exist in that currency.

Override Currency Format

Check this box to change the format for this currency. When you check the box, the following two fields are displayed:

  • Symbol -Enter the text and currency symbol you want to use for this currency. Include spaces if you want to separate the symbol from the currency value.

  • Symbol Placement -Select Before Number or After Number to determine whether the symbol precedes or follows the number.

The Format Sample field shows how currency amounts display on screen and on printed transactions using your customized currency format and your personal Number Format preference. For more information, see Customizing Currency Formats.

The following fields on the currency record cannot be changed by editing the record.


Description and Notes

Is Base Currency

This field is displayed and the box is checked only when the currency is a base currency. You cannot edit this field on the currency record.

For instructions to set a base currency, see Setting a Base Currency and, if you use NetSuite OneWorld, Creating Subsidiary Records.

Is Anchor Currency

This field is displayed only when the Use Triangulation Calculation by NetSuite accounting preference is checked.

A check in this box indicates that the currency has been selected as an anchor currency in the accounting preferences. To clear the box, change the selection in the accounting preferences.

If this currency is a designated anchor currency and has been used in an exchange rate calculation, you cannot delete this currency.

For more information about triangulation and anchor currencies, see Methods for Obtaining Exchange Rates and Anchor Currencies.

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General Notices