RFC Field

Refer to the following table to understand how the RFC field must be filled in:


SuiteTax is not enabled

SuiteTax is enabled

Field Name


Field Name





Enter the entity’s registered Mexican tax ID number.


Enter the entity’s registered Mexican tax ID number.







Enter the entity’s registered Mexican tax ID number.


Enter the entity’s registered Mexican tax ID number in the Tax Registration Number field, under the Financial > Tax Registrations subtab.

The tax registration number entered for Mexico then shows in the RFC field.

If more than one Tax Registration Number for Mexico is added to the sublist, then the RFC field is populated with the Tax Registration Number from the first sublist row.

We recommend that you select from the Default Tax Registration list the same value used in the RFC field.



VAT Registration No

Enter your company’s or subsidiary’s registered Mexican tax ID number.

Tax Registration Number

Enter your company’s or subsidiary’s registered Mexican tax ID number in the Tax Registration Number field, under the Tax Registrations subtab.

If more than one Tax Registration Number for Mexico is added to the sublist, only the first one is considered as the RFC.

We recommend that you select from the Default Tax Registration list the same value used in the RFC field.

The RFC field must follow the format specified by the SAT (the system checks the format and the length of the RFC code):

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General Notices