Generating and Releasing Inventory Counts

From a cycle count plan, you can generate one inventory count at a time. When you generate a count, you can apply the count date filters and assign it to an employee. From the list of items returned by the plan, you can select the items you want to count. For more information about plans, see Creating Cycle Count Plans.

If you want to include items based on their next count date, make sure you set the inventory count fields on the item records. For more information, see Creating Cycle Count Plans.

Right after you generate and release a count, you can start it and then process it from a mobile device.

To generate and release a cycle count plan:

  1. Using the WMS Warehouse Manager role, go to WMS Inventory > Cycle Count > Generate Cycle Count from Plan.

  2. On the Generate Cycle Count from Plan page, set the following fields:

    • Plan Number - Select the cycle count plan.

      This field displays a maximum of 1000 plans at a time. NetSuite WMS sorts the plans alphabetically, by name, and then includes the first 1000 plans in the selection list.

    • Count Start Date - (Optional) Enter the date when you want to start the inventory count.

    • Count End Date - (Optional) Enter the date when you want to complete the inventory count.

    If you set either or both of the date fields, you filter the items based on their next count date.

  3. Click Display.

    The Items sublist appears on the page with the list of items to count.


    If items do not appear in the list, you can review your cycle count plan filters. On item records, you can verify that there is on-hand quantity within the location defined in the plan. You can also review the bins and other item settings that correspond with your cycle plan filters.

  4. In the Select column, check the box next to the bins and items that you want to include in the count.


    If you use bins for your items, the Bin column appears beside the Item column. You can choose items within the same bin or the same item in different bins.

  5. (Optional) In the Assigned To field, select the name of the user you want to assign to the count.

    When you assign a plan to an employee, the employee’s name appears in this field by default.

  6. Click Generate & Release.

    The confirmation page appears.

  7. Optionally, to start the count immediately, click Start Count.

    If you want to start a count at a later time, you can access it by going to WMS Inventory > Cycle Count > Enter Cycle Count > List. You can edit an open inventory count and start it. You can process started inventory counts on your mobile device. For instructions, see Starting Inventory Counts or Performing Inventory Counts.

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