United Arab Emirates Tax Audit File
The United Arab Emirates tax authority, Federal Tax Authority (FTA), audits businesses at its discretion to ensure accurate and timely tax declarations. As part of the audit process, business are required to provide accounting information to validate their submitted tax declarations.
The FTA VAT Audit File, also known as FAF, is an export of accounting entries in comma separated values (CSV) file format specified by the FTA. The file is based on general ledger chart of accounts entries, master file data for customers and suppliers, and details of invoices, payments, and adjustments.
Prerequisites to Generate the UAE FAF Report
Before you can successfully generate the UAE FAF report, you must first complete the following tasks:
Enable Account Numbers
Go to Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences.
On the General subtab, check the Use Account Numbers box.
For more information, see General Accounting Preferences.
Set Up your Chart of Accounts
Use the standard chart of accounts in NetSuite. To set up your chart of accounts, go to Setup > Accounting > Manage G/L > Chart of Accounts . For more information, see Chart of Accounts Management.
For NetSuite OneWorld, use the statutory chart of accounts if the standard chart of accounts does not comply with regulatory requirements.
Use the statutory chart of accounts in the following situations:
The standard chart of accounts is shared with other subsidiaries
The parent company requires a subsidiary to use account names and numbers that are not in the formats required for statutory compliance in the subsidiary’s country.
To set up statutory chart of account names and numbers, see Statutory Chart of Accounts for Tax Audit Files.
Note:You can use CSV import to set up or update the statutory chart of accounts.
Enable GL Audit Numbering and Run the GL Numbering Sequence
Go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features (Administrator).
Check the GL Audit Numbering box.
Run the GL numbering sequence before generating the UAE FAF report.
For more information, see GL Audit Numbering.
Important:Before generating the UAE FAF report, make sure that the GL Audit Numbering feature has been enabled, and you have run the GL numbering sequence. Otherwise, file generation and download will fail.
To generate the UAE FTA VAT Audit File, see Generating a Tax Audit File.
UAE FTA VAT Audit File (FAF) Scheme and Key Data Elements
The UAE FAF consists of seven sections or tables in a single comma separated value (CSV) file:
Company Information Table
The Customer Information Table consists of information relevant to the taxable person, tax period, and product details.
FAF Field |
Description |
NetSuite Field |
Default Value/Notes |
TaxablePersonNameEn |
Name of the taxable person in English |
Company or Subsidiary > Legal Name If Legal Name is blank, Name is used. |
TaxablePersonNameAr |
Name of the taxable person in Arabic |
Not supported |
Blank |
Business’ tax registration number |
Company or Subsidiary > VAT Registration No. |
Blank |
TaxAgencyName |
Name of the tax agency in case filing is done by a tax agency |
Not supported |
Blank |
Tax agency number |
Not supported |
Blank |
TaxAgentName |
Name of the tax agent in case filing is done by a tax agent |
Not supported |
Blank |
Tax Agent Approval Number |
Not supported |
Blank |
PeriodStart |
Start of the period covered in the FAF |
Reports > TAX > Audit Files > UAE FAF > Period |
PeriodEnd |
End of the period covered in the FAF |
Reports > TAX > Audit Files > UAE FAF > To |
FAFCreationDate |
FAF creation date |
Reports > TAX > Audit Files > UAE FAF > Audit Files > Date Created |
ProductVersion |
Accounting software name and version |
NetSuite account type +NetSuite version |
FAFVersion |
FTA Audit File (FAF) version number |
FAFv1.0.0 |
Supplier Purchase Listing Table
The Supplier Purchase Listing Table consists of information relevant to the supplier, and associated details for source documents such as purchase invoices, imports, credit notes, and payments.
FAF Field |
Description |
NetSuite Field |
Default Value/Notes |
SupplierName |
Name of the supplier |
Vendor > Primary Information > Company Name |
Blank |
SupplierCountry |
Country of the supplier (Emirate if Country is UAE) |
Item Line: Bill > Expenses and Items > Expenses > Emirate Expense Line: Bill > Expenses and Items > Items > Emirate If country is not UAE: Vendor > Address list > Country (billing address) |
Blank |
SupplierTRN |
TRN of the supplier |
Vendor > Financial > Tax Reg. Number |
Blank |
InvoiceDate |
Date of the transaction |
Bill > Date |
Blank |
InvoiceNo |
Invoice number |
Bill > Reference No. |
Blank |
PermitNo |
Cargo clearance import permit number |
Not supported |
Blank |
TransactionID |
Any reference ID identifying the transaction |
GL Impact > GL# |
Blank |
LineNo |
Number of invoice line |
Item Line: Bill > Expenses and Items > Expenses > Expense Line Number Expense Line: Bill > Expenses and Items > Items > Item Line Number |
Blank |
ProductDescription |
Description of the product |
Item Line: Bill > Expenses and Items > Items > Item Expense Line: Bill > Expenses and Items > Expenses > Account |
Blank |
PurchaseValueAED |
Value of purchase excluding VAT in Arab Emirate Dirham |
Item Line: Bill > Expenses and Items > Items > Amount Expense Line: Bill > Expenses and Items > Expenses > Amount |
0.00 |
Value of VAT in Arab Emirate Dirham |
Item Line: Bill > Expenses and Items > Items > VAT Amt Expense Line: Bill > Expenses and Items > Expenses > VAT Amt |
0.00 |
TaxCode |
Tax code for lookup in tables |
Blank |
FCYCode |
ISO 4217 currency codes of foreign currency |
Bill > Primary Information > Currency |
PurchaseFCY |
Value of purchase excluding VAT in foreign currency(if applicable) |
Item Line: Bill > Expenses and Items > Items > Amount Expense Line: Bill > Expenses and Items > Expenses > Amount |
0.00 |
Value of VAT in foreign currency(if applicable) |
Item Line: Bill > Expenses and Items > Items > VAT Amt Expense Line: Bill > Expenses and Items > Expenses > VAT Amt |
Supplier Purchase Listing Total
The Supplier Purchase Listing Total table shows the total purchase and VAT amounts of the supplier purchase listings in Arab Emirate Dirham.
FAF Field |
Description |
Formula |
Default Value/Notes |
SupplyTotalAED |
Sum of purchases in this table in Arab Emirate Dirham |
SUM(PurchaseValueAED) |
0.00 |
Sum of value of VAT in this table in Arab Emirate Dirham |
0.00 |
TransactionCountTotal |
Total count of transactions in this table |
Total transaction count |
0 |
Customer Supply Listing Table
The Customer Supply Listing Table consists of information relevant to the customer, and associated details for source documents such as sales invoices, credit notes, and payments.
FAF Field |
Description |
NetSuite Field |
Default Value/Notes |
CustomerName |
Name of the customer |
Customer > Primary Information > Company Name |
Blank |
CustomerCountry |
Country of the customer (Emirate if Country is UAE) |
Transaction Record > Emirate If Emirate is blank: Customer > Billing Address > Country |
Blank |
CustomerTRN |
TRN of customer |
Customer > Financial > Tax Reg. Number |
Blank |
InvoiceDate |
Date of the transaction |
Transaction > Date |
Blank |
InvoiceNo |
Invoice number |
Invoice > Invoice# |
Blank |
TransactionID |
Any reference ID identifying the transaction |
GL Impact > GL# |
Blank |
LineNo |
Number of invoice line |
Invoice > Items > Items > Item Line Number |
Blank |
ProductDescription |
Description of the product |
Invoice > Items > Items > Item |
Blank |
SupplyValueAED |
Value of supply excluding VAT in Arab Emirate Dirham |
Invoice > Items > Items > Amount |
0.00 |
Value of VAT in Arab Emirate Dirham |
Invoice > Items > Items > Tax Amt |
0.00 |
TaxCode |
Tax code for lookup in tables |
Blank |
Country |
Destination of goods being exported |
First source is Transaction record, then Customer record. Transaction record > Shipping country If Shipping country is blank: Transaction record > Billing country if supplied Customer record: Customer record > Shipping country If Shipping country is blank: Customer record > Billing country if supplied |
Blank |
FCYCode |
ISO 4217 currency codes of foreign currency |
Invoice > Accounting > Currency |
0.00 |
SupplyFCY |
Value of purchase excluding VAT in foreign currency (if applicable) |
Invoice > Items > Items > Amount |
0.00 |
Value of VAT in foreign currency (if applicable) |
Invoice > Items > Items > Tax Amount |
0.00 |
Customer Supply Listing Total
The Customer Supply Listing Total shows the total supply and VAT amount in Arab Emirate Dirham.
FAF Field |
Description |
Formula |
Default Value/Notes |
SupplyTotalAED |
Sum of supplies in this table in Arab Emirate Dirham |
SUM(SupplyValueAED) |
0.00 |
Sum of value of VAT in this table in Arab Emirate Dirham |
0.00 |
TransactionCountTotal |
Total count of transactions in this table |
Total transaction count |
0 |
General Ledger Table
The General Ledger Table consists of the accounts with their associated debit and credit account records for source documents. Examples of source documents are accounts receivable, accounts payable, cash book entries, and journal entries.
FAF Field |
Description |
NetSuite Field and Notes |
Default Value/Notes |
TransactionDate |
Date of payment |
Transaction > Date |
Blank |
AccountID |
GL code for individual account |
Setup > Accounting > Chart of Accounts > Account > Number |
Blank |
AccountName |
Name of individual GL account |
Setup > Accounting > Chart of Accounts > Account > Name If Accounting Context is used for the account: Accounting > Chart of Accounts > Account > Localization > Name |
Blank |
TransactionDescription |
Description of the transaction |
Transaction > GL Impact > Memo |
Blank |
Name |
Name of the entity involved in transactions where applicable |
Reports > General Ledger > Name |
Blank |
TransactionID |
A unique number that can group related double entries together |
GL Impact > GL# |
Blank |
SourceDocumentID |
Source document number to which line relates |
Reports > General Ledger > Document Number |
Blank |
SourceType |
Refers to the type of transaction |
Reports > General Ledger > Type |
Blank |
Debit |
Debit amount |
Reports > General Ledger > Debit |
0.00 |
Credit |
Credit amount |
Reports > General Ledger > Credit |
0.00 |
Balance |
Balance amount |
Reports > General Ledger > Balance |
0.00 |
General Ledger Table Total
The General Ledger Table Total shows the sum of all debit and credit entries in the General Ledger Table.
FAF Field |
Description |
Formula |
Default Value/Notes |
TotalDebit |
The total of all debit amounts in this table |
Sum of all entries in the Debit field |
0.00 |
TotalCredit |
The total of all credit amounts in this table |
Sum of all entries in the Credit field |
0.00 |
TransactionCountTotal |
The count of transactions in this table |
Total count of transactions |
0 |
GLTCurrency |
ISO 4217 currency code of currency used in General Ledger table |
Currency symbol |
Tax Code Lookup Table for UAE FAF
The Tax Code Lookup Table for UAE FAF shows the NetSuite provisioned tax codes and their corresponding FAF tax codes.
The expected FAF tax codes shown on the Supplier Purchase Listing and Customer Supply Listing tables are based on following tax code properties according to the requirements from the Federal Tax Authority:
Any defined tax code with the same properties listed in the table will show the equivalent FAF tax code in the UAE FAF report. The system provisions the UNDEF tax code which has the same properties as the zero-rated supplies. If you have transactions that use the UNDEF tax code, the FAF tax code is equivalent to ZR.
Provisioned Tax Codes |
Properties |
FAF Tax Codes |
Rate 0% Reverse Charge Code GCC member state Available on Sales Transactions |
IG |
Rate 0% Available on Both |
ZR |
Rate 0% Exempt Available on Both |
EX |
Rate 5% Available on Both |
SR |
Rate 0% Reverse Charge Code Notional Rate Derived From S-UAE (5%) Applies to Service Items Available on Purchases Transactions Import |
RC |
Rate 0% Reverse Charge Code Notional Rate Derived From S-UAE (5%) Applies to Service Items Available on Sales Transactions Import |
RC |
Rate 0% Reverse Charge Code Notional Rate Derived From IMG-UAE (5%) Available on Purchase Transactions Import |
RC |
Rate 0% Reverse Charge Code Notional Rate Derived From IMG-UAE (5%) Applies to Service Items Available on Purchase Transactions Import |
RC |
Rate 5% Available on Purchase Transactions Import |
SR |
Rate 0% Export Available on Sales Transactions |
ZR |