Handling of Price Update Overlaps

Entering a price update that overlaps with the date range of an existing price update is not permitted. This rule applies to price updates for the same item, item category, customer, or customer group. An error message appears that includes links to the affected price update records.


In some cases, instead of an error message, a confirmation message appears stating that there is a possible overlap. You can choose to cancel or proceed with creating the price update record.

Effective Date Pricing handles overlapping validation differently when saving each of the four item types.

Refer to the following topics for further information about handling of price update overlaps:

Item Price Update Type Overlaps

When saving an Item Price Update, Effective Date Pricing checks for overlapping dates with:

  • An existing Item Price Update that has the same item.

  • An existing Item Category Price Update containing an item category that includes the item.

Item Category Price Update Type Overlaps

When saving an Item Category Price Update, Effective Date Pricing checks for overlapping dates with:

  • An existing Item Category Price Update that has the same item category.

  • An existing Item Price Update containing an item that is part of the item category.

  • An existing Item Category Price Update that has an item category related to the items of the given item category. For example, you are saving Item Category 1 (containing Item 1 = Purse and Item 2 = Backpack). Item 2 is also a member of Item Category 2, so the system checks for Item Category 1 and Item Category 2.

Customer Price Update Type Overlaps

When saving a Customer Price Update, Effective Date Pricing checks for overlapping dates with:

  • An existing Customer Price Update that has the same customer and item.

  • An existing Customer Group Price Update that has the same item.


This type of overlap results in a confirmation message.

Customer Group Price Update Type Overlaps

When saving a Customer Group Price Update, Effective Date Pricing checks for overlapping dates with:

  • An existing Customer Group Price Update that has the same customer group and item.

  • An existing Customer Price Update that has the same item, and a customer that is a member of the customer group.

  • An existing Customer Group Price Update that has the same item. For example, you are saving Customer Group 1 (containing Customer 1 and Customer 2) for Item A. You have an existing Customer Group Price Update with Customer Group 2 for the same item, Item A. Customer 2 may or may not be a member of Customer Group 2. Effective Date Pricing checks for Customer Group 1 and Customer Group 2 and a confirmation message appears.


This type of overlap results in a confirmation message.

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