China Account Balance Report


This feature requires the China Localization SuiteApp

The following describes the features and steps to generate the China Account Balance Report.


NetSuite China Localization provides the Chinese Account Balance Report. The China Account Balance Report contains account balances filtered and grouped according to subsidiary, date range, account level, and account range in a China specific layout.

In this report, you can select the account levels and account ranges from where the report will get data from. The following are the options that can be selected to create the reports from:


If there are some accounts without numbers, these accounts will be listed after the accounts with account numbers.

The report layout is presented in a layout consistent with the best practices in China:

Selecting values under Location, Classes, or Departments will make these parameters visible on the report. Leaving these blank will make them hidden on the report.

Once a report is generated, clicking on the account shows the details for review:

Generate China Account Balance Report

The following describes the steps to generate the China Account Balance Report.

To Generate China Account Balance Report

  1. Go to Reports > Financial > China Account Balance.

  2. Select a subsidiary in the Subsidiary field.

  3. In the Date From field, select the date the report will start with.

  4. In the To field, select the date the report will end with.

  5. In the Account Level field, select an account level the report will display.

  6. (Optional) Select an accounting context in the Accounting Context field. For more information see Accounting Contexts.

  7. (Optional) In the Account From field, select an account to start filtering from.

  8. (Optional) In the To field, select an account the report filter will end with.

  9. (Optional) Select a location in the Location field.

  10. (Optional) Select a department in the Department field.

  11. (Optional) Select a class in the Class field.

  12. Click Refresh.

  13. (Optional) Click on an account to view transaction details.

  14. (Optional) Click Export -PDF to save the report in PDF format.

  15. (Optional) Click Export -Excel to save the report in Excel format.

China Account Balance Report Sample

The following is a sample of the China Account Balance Report.

China Account Balance Report Sample

General Notices