Journal Entry Import Supported Fields

The Import Assistant Field Mapping page displays the list of journal entry (or intercompany journal entry) fields for which you can import data. Header-level fields are listed under Journal Entry; line-level fields are listed under the Journal Entry -Line sublist. These are the fields for which you can include data in your CSV file. The NetSuite Fields for both the Journal Entry and Intercompany Journal Entry are shown side-by-side in the following screenshot.

NetSuite Fields for Journal Entry and Intercompany Journal Entry.

This dynamic list adjusts according to your permissions and to the features enabled in your account. By default, all fields on your preferred journal entry form, including custom fields, are available. You have the option of specifying a custom journal entry form, so that form's fields are available instead (not available for Single Journal Entry Import). See Custom Form Specification for Journal Entry Imports.

For more information about journal entry import fields, see the following topics:

For details about fields that can be mapped, see the SOAP Schema Browser’s journal entry and intercompany journal entry reference pages. You can use the field definitions here as a basis for creating your own CSV import template file. For information about working with the SOAP Schema Browser, see SOAP Schema Browser.

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