Using Hierarchy Versions in Workbooks and Reports

If you use multiple merchandise hierarchy versions, each version contains a complete hierarchy definition for a specific time period. Although typically you only need one hierarchy version, a benefit of using multiple hierarchy versions is that you can update your merchandise hierarchy as required to reflect the items available at any time.

For example an enterprise that sells fashion wear could have two product categories: Core, and Fashion. During the spring/summer, some items could be classified in the Core category, then during the fall/winter classified as Fashion. To preserve the historical classification of these items for workbooks and reporting, you can create a hierarchy version for the Spring/Summer period and another one for the Fall/Winter period.

Only one hierarchy version is active at any time. If you create multiple versions, the current version is the only active version, superseded versions are inactive but available for workbooks and reporting purposes. You can also have several versions scheduled for the future.

For more information, see the Creating a Hierarchy Version topic.

Workbooks and reports that incorporate multiple merchandise hierarchy version data use custom merchandise hierarchy fields that have been added to the transaction record rather than the item record. They are therefore, also known as transaction-based workbooks or reports.


Only use transaction–based workbooks and reports when you have multiple versions and you need to preserve the historical classification of items in Purchase and Sales reports.

For all other merchandise hierarchy reports, see Creating Merchandise Hierarchy Reports.

Merchandise Hierarchy Transaction-Based Workbooks

You can create workbooks that include merchandise hierarchy historical version data using SuiteAnalytics Workbook.

To create a workbook that includes historical version data you must use custom fields from the Transaction Line record, rather than the Item record. This is the only difference when defining a workbook to show historical version data as opposed to current version data. You select the correct custom fields to use during the process for selecting the Datset for your workbook.

For more information, see Add Custom Fields to the Dataset in Merchandise Hierarchy Workbooks.

Merchandise Hierarchy Transaction-Based Reports

You can create custom reports that include merchandise hierarchy historical version data using Report Builder. However, not all types of reports can display historical version data.

You can customize only the following types of standard NetSuite reports to display historical item classifications:

  • Purchase reports – for example, Purchase by Item, Purchase by vendor, etc.

  • Sales reports – for example, Sales by Item, Sales by Customer, etc.

Locating Custom Merchandise Hierarchy Fields for Historical Reports Only

Custom merchandise hierarchy fields are located in the Add Fields list in the Report Builder.

The type of report you want to customize determines the location of the internal custom fields you need to add.


Do not use the internal custom fields described in this section when you have only one hierarchy version defined in your system. For more information, see Locating Custom Merchandise Hierarchy Fields for Reports.

To locate the internal custom fields needed to create historical merchandise hierarchy reports when you have multiple versions, refer to the following table:

Report Type


Custom Merchandise Hierarchy Fields Location



Purchase by Vendor


Select fields with the suffix (Custom Column)

Purchase by Item


Select fields with the suffix (Custom Column)

Purchase Order History

Purchase Order Transactions

Select fields with the suffix (Custom Column)


Sales by Customer


Select fields with the suffix (Custom Column)

Sales by Item


Select fields with the suffix (Custom Column)

Sales by Sales Rep


Select fields with the suffix (Custom Column)

Sales by Sales Team

Sales Team Sales

Select fields with the suffix (Custom Column)

Sales by Partner


Select fields with the suffix (Custom Column)

Sales by Historical Team

Historical Revenue

Select fields with the suffix (Custom Column)

Sales by Historical Team (Transaction Date)


Select fields with the suffix (Custom Column)

Sales by Promotion


Select fields with the suffix (Custom Column)

New Customer Sales


Select fields with the suffix (Custom Column)

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