
Use this as a guide to the icons and symbols that display in NSPOS.



red security shield icon

A red security shield icon on a button indicates it is inaccessible. This displays either when the current user doesn’t have sufficient access to perform a task or the application requires an additional sign in to confirm an action, such a shutting down a register.

If the user doesn’t have sufficient access, the function can still be run if a manager or administrator is available to enter their credentials. The security level on any function can be changed by an administrator.

green circular icon with pending jobs counter

A green circular count icon appears on a button to indicate there are pending jobs associated with the button. The number in the circle shows how many jobs are pending.

cash register "register functions" icon

The register functions icon appears in the top left corner of the screen, in the Status Bar. Tap the icon to open register functions such as Toggle Keyboard, Function List, Message Window, and Exit.

browse (binoculars) icon

Appearing as a set of binoculars, the browse icon shows that the field can be used to search for data such as items, customers, and functions. A small browse icon next to a form field means you can search for information to complete the field.

green "show keyboard" icon

Tap the show keyboard icon to open the on-screen keyboard.

red "hide keyboard" icon

Tap the hide keyboard icon to close the on-screen keyboard.

refresh icon (red and green arrows)

The refresh icon appears on Find Windows next to the search field. Tap this icon to clear the search field and begin a new search.

green check mark icon

Tap a check mark icon to accept the text entered. You can also press the Enter key.

red X cancel icon

Tap the round cancel icon to cancel a search. You can also press the Esc key.

red "blocked" icon

A red blocked icon indicates that a setting is disabled. Tap the icon to enable and enter a value. The icon will change to a white enter-value icon.


Even if a value is visible in a blocked (grayed out) text field, that value will not be applied.

This icon also appears in the status bar to alert you to a system warning message. Tap the icon to read the message.

white "enter value" icon

The white enter value icon indicates that a setting is enabled, and the data input type is text. Enter the desired setting in the text field immediately below it. Tap the icon to disable it. It is replaced by a red blocked icon with the text field shaded gray.

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