Viewing the Overview Portlet in the Concurrency Monitor Dashboard
View the following information about the Overview portlet in the Concurrency Monitor dashboard:
Concurrency Limit – Shows the limit of concurrent web services and RESTlet requests you can run. It is based on the service level and SuiteCloud Plus licenses available for your production, sandbox, and release preview accounts. Web services and RESTlet integrations are rejected when you exceed your concurrency limit.
Peak Concurrency – Shows the estimated highest concurrency count from data based on your selected date range. The tile also includes the date and time of the peak concurrency.
Note:The peak concurrency shown on the Concurrency Monitor dashboard is an estimated value only. This value may be different from the value shown on the Concurrency Details dashboard, which shows the exact peak concurrency value.
Close to the Limit Rate -Shows the rate by which you ran requests close to the concurrency limit. The tile also includes the range of request counts used to define this rate.
Over the Limit Rate -Shows the rate by which you ran requests over the concurrency limit.
Error Rate -Shows the rate by which your concurrency requests encountered errors.