China Income Statement Report


This feature requires the China Localization SuiteApp

The following describes the features and steps of the China Income Statement Report.


The China Income Statement Report shows a company’s income, expenses, and net income for a specific accounting period. The report is in a layout that meets regulatory requirements under the People's Republic of China Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (PRC GAAP).

To align the report with statutory requirements, the China Income Statement Report needs to be customized according to the company's chart of accounts. See Customizing China Income Statement Report for details.

Generate the China Income Statement Report

To Generate the China Income Statement report:

  1. Navigate to the Chinese Income Statement Report:

    • For Classic Center users, go to Reports > Financial > China Income Statement.

    • For Accounting Center users:

      • Go to Financial > Reports > China Income Statement.

      • Go to Reports > Financial > China Income Statement.

  2. In the Income Statement Name field, select the name of the report. The name of the report has to be exactly the same as the name of the report that was saved when customized. The drop down list shows reports that are added. China Localization provides a default income statement named China Income Statement Template_English or 中国利润表模板_中文. To enter this, point your cursor on the Income Statement Name field, then click New. See Add A New Income Statement to the Report

  3. Select a subsidiary in the Subsidiary field.

  4. Select an accounting period in the Period field.

  5. Select the unit display in the Unit field. This changes the way numbers are displayed in the report.

    • Unit displays numbers in the basic unit of ones.

    • Thousands displays numbers in thousands.

    • Ten Thousand displays numbers in ten thousands.

  6. (Optional) Select a location in the Location field.

  7. (Optional) Select a department in the Department field.

  8. (Optional) Select a class in the Class field.

  9. Click Refresh.

  10. (Optional) Click Export -PDF to save the report in PDF format.

  11. (Optional) Click Export -Excel to save the report in Excel format.

Add A New Income Statement to the Report

Before viewing or generating any customized income statement you will need to add it to the report selection. The following describes the steps to add a new income statement to the China Balance Sheet Report:

To add a new income statement to the China Income Statement Report:

  1. Navigate to the Chinese Income Statement Report:

    • For Classic Center users, go to Reports > Financial > China Income Statement.

    • For Accounting Center users:

      • Go to Financial > Reports >China Income Statement.

      • Go to Reports > Financial > China Income Statement.

  2. Point your cursor on the Income Statement Name field.

  3. Two new buttons will appear. Click New. A new window will appear.

  4. In the Name field, enter the income statement name. The name of the report has to be exactly the same as the name of the report that was saved when customized.

    If this is your first time adding reports, Chine Localization provides a default income statement. To use this, enter China Income Statement Template_English or 中国利润表模板_中文.

  5. (Optional) Click Reset to clear the fields.

  6. Click Save.

After adding the report name, you can select the income statement in the Income Statement Name field when generating the China Income Statement Report.

Delete an income statement from the China Income Statement Report

Once added, an income statement can be used every time you need to generate a China Income Statement Report. If you don’t need a specific income statement anymore, you can remove them from the reports list. The following describes the steps to remove a balance sheet from the China Income Statement Report.

To delete a income statement from the China Income Statement Report :

  1. Go to Reports > Financial > China Income Sheet.

  2. In the Income Statement Name field, select a report.

  3. Point your cursor on the Income Statement Name field.

  4. Click Open.

  5. Click Edit.

  6. Click Actions > Delete.

  7. Click Ok.

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