Tracking Inventory Balances By Status
On certain records and searches, you can view the following item quantities shown for each status:
Quantity on Hand -quantity currently stocked, including quantity committed to orders
Quantity Available -quantity currently stocked, less quantity committed to orders
Inventory Balance Updates from Transactions
NetSuite transactions may trigger changes in item quantities (Quantity on Order, Quantity Committed, Quantity Available and Quantity Backordered). Maximal value of quantities that can be saved is 9,999,999,999.
Assembly items have Bill of Material that defines what quantity of what components is required to produce or assemble one unit of the assembly. NetSuite supports quantity of assembly components in millions. In addition, an assembly can have multi-level Bill of Material.
For example, during save of a new Work Order transaction with following parameters, the validation of maximal quantity can prevent the transaction from saving:
Work Order Quantity: 1,000,000 units
Work Order Assembly: Assembly A
When you try to save the work order, the maximum allowed committed quantity for Component A2 is exceeded. Therefore, NetSuite throws an error message because of the following:
Order quantity is 1,000,000.
The logic that runs in the backend when you save a work order looks at Bill of Material of Assembly A. Because it requires 1,000 units of Assembly B1 to produce 1 unit of Assembly A, it calculates 1,000,000 x 1,000 =1,000,000,000.
The logic then looks at Bill of Material for Assembly B1 which requires 1,000 units of Component A2. This means 1,000,000 x 1,000 x 1,000 =1,000,000,000,000 while maximum allowed quantity that can be saved, and that is 9,999,999,999.
For more information about item quantity calculations, see Assessing Stock Levels.
Inventory Balance Updates from Pick, Pack, and Ship
If you use Pick, Pack, and Ship feature, note the following for lot-numbered items, serialized items, or items in bins:
When you pick an item, the available quantity is decremented, and the on-hand quantity remains unchanged.
When you ship the item and the item fulfillment is marked shipped, the on-hand quantity is decremented. The available quantity shown by status on records and searches is the unpicked quantity. If a lot or serial number is specified on the sales order, the available quantity is decremented prior to picking. If a lot or serial number is picked that differs from the one specified on the sales order, the available quantities are adjusted accordingly.
To track inventory balances and changes in inventory levels, see the following topics: