Creating Period End Journals from the Period Close Checklist

Creating period end journals is one of the last tasks on the Period Close checklist. For information about the other tasks on the checklist, see Using the Period Close Checklist.

If you add or edit transactions after you create period end journals, you must rerun the process so that your period end journals reflect the changes. For information about what happens when you rerun the process, see Rerunning Create Period End Journals Steps.

To complete the period end journal creation process:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Manage G/L > Manage Accounting Periods, and click the Checklist icon Checklist icon for the period you want to process.

    If you use adjustment periods, the order in which you create period end journals for adjustment periods and base periods is important. For details, see Adjustment Periods and Period End Journals.

  2. Complete the tasks in the checklist above the Create Period End Journals task, and then click the Go To Task Go To Task icon icon for Create Period End Journals.

    The Task: Create Period End Journals page lists all subsidiaries for which the feature is enabled. The parent of an enabled subsidiary is also listed, even when the parent subsidiary does not have the feature enabled, to display the subsidiary hierarchy. This task page displays blue circles for the period end journals that need to be created before you close the period.

  3. Run the period end journal creation processes. You can do this two ways:

  4. When the task page displays result links for all types of period end journals and no errors, click Mark Task Complete.

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