Search for Period End Journals
You can search for period end journals from the navigation menu at Transactions > Financial > Period End Journal Entries > Search. Check the Use Advanced Search box if it is not already checked. For more information about advanced searches, see Defining an Advanced Search.
To search for period end journals from Reports > New Search, use the Transaction Search, add the filter Type, and select Period End Journal. When the Multi-Book Accounting feature is enabled, use the Multi-Book Accounting Transaction Search instead of the Transaction Search. On the Results subtab, check the Include Period End Transactions box.
Criteria filters and result fields of special interest with period end journals are as follows:
Type -Include Period End Journal in the multi-select list to include period end journal entries.
Account (Main) -This account is the Main Account field on the period end journal transaction document. For period end journals, the account value is Retained Earnings, Cumulative Translation Adjustment, or one of the accounts you select for income summary and balance sheet closing. You can use Account (Main) as either a criteria filter or a results field.
Source Subsidiary – This field is the Source Subsidiary field on the period end journal transaction document. For results, you can add this field with or without the hierarchy.
Amount (Foreign Currency) -This results field always displays 0 for period end journal entries.
Accounting Book -This filter or field is available only when the Multi-Book Accounting feature is enabled.
The following searches include the Transaction Fields join. These searches also display period end transactions when you check the Include Period End Transactions box on the Results tab.
Multi-Book Accounting Transaction
Phone Call
Transaction Numbering Audit Log -This search always shows period end transactions.
User Note
Workflow Instance