Headcount Analysis Snapshots

There are two headcount analysis snapshots: hires and turnovers, and gender. These snapshots allow you to analyze quarterly headcount trends.

To access the headcount analysis snapshots, go to Reports > Employees/HR > Headcount Analysis. At the top of the page, click the quarter that you want to view.


Each quarter represents a completed quarter, and not a quarter-to-date.

Screenshot of the hires and turnovers snapshot graph on the headcount analysis page with callouts numbered one to six. Screenshot of the gender snapshot graph on the headcount analysis page. A callout for step seven points to the graph.


Select the quarter that you want to view.


Segment data by department, location, gender, tenure, or (with NetSuite OneWorld) subsidiary. If applicable, department and location can be further segmented by subdepartment and sublocation.


When segmenting by tenure, the start of an employee’s tenure is their Hire Date set on their employee record.


Choose how you want to filter the data.


The Hires and Turnovers Snapshot lets you compare the hiring and turnover rates between the different segments in your company.

The left side shows the employee headcount, as of the last day in the period, for the selected segments.

The right side shows the number of employees hired and terminated during the period, for the selected segments.


Switch between the different snapshots.


This table reflects the data from the snapshots. To copy and paste the data into other analysis tools, click Copy to Clipboard.


The Gender Snapshot shows the numbers and percentages of employee gender distribution as of the last day in the period, for the selected segments.

The left side shows the total headcount, and the right side shows male and female headcount percentages.

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