NSPB Sync Saved Searches
The NSPB Sync SuiteApp includes a default set of complex saved searches.
The following saved searches are available through the RESTlet:
PBCS sync (Data) Consolidated Exchange Rates
PBCS sync (Data) Income Statement Transactions
PBCS sync (Data) Balance Sheet Transactions
PBCS sync (Data) Beg Balance
PBCS -Transaction Detail
PBCS -Transaction Summary
PBCS -Trial Balance
The following saved searches are available as CSV files in the NetSuite UI:
PBCS sync (Data) Balance Sheet Transactions [.csv]
PBCS sync (Data) Income Statement Transactions [.csv]
PBCS sync (Data) Beg Balance [.csv]
You may notice mismatches between header names in CSV files exported from NetSuite saved searches and header names in CSV files returned from the RESTlet for the same saved searches. No matter which of these apply to you, NSPB Sync uses names of column headers selected for the saved searches on the Results subtab in NetSuite.
For information about creating and customizing the NSPB Sync saved searches, refer to the following topics:
Related Topics
- NSPB Sync Setup Guide
- Required Features for Installing the NSPB Sync SuiteApp
- Installing the NSPB Sync SuiteApp
- Role Permissions for NSPB Sync Users
- Setting Up NSPB Sync
- Metadata Export to Planning and Budgeting
- Using SuiteAnalytics Workbooks and Datasets with NSPB Sync
- NSPB Sync Functionality in NetSuite UI
- NSPB Sync SuiteApp Portlets