Do Not Allow Discount on Item

The advanced promotions process in NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) supports the Do Not Allow Discount option on the NetSuite ERP Item record. The option restricts an item from being included in manual discounts and advanced promotions, including those that discount a transaction. Overriding the restriction requires store manager or administrator approval.

To mark an item with Do Not Allow Discount:

  1. Log in to NetSuite ERP as an administrator.

  2. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items > Search.

  3. Enter search criteria and click Submit.

  4. Click Edit for the desired item.

  5. In the Classification section, check the Do Not Allow Discount box.

  6. Click Save.


The promotion and transaction discount restrictions for Do Not Allow Discount apply to setups using advanced promotions.

For accounts using classic promotions, the Do Not Allow Discount option only restricts item–based discounts applied manually. It does not affect transaction discounts and is ignored for promotions.

Discount Restriction Summary for Advanced Promotions

The following rules apply when an item is marked Do Not Allow Discount and your implementation uses advanced promotions. Note that store managers and administrators can override restrictions against manual discounts at the register.

Manual Discounts

For manual discounts, the Do Not Allow Discount restriction includes both single item and total transaction discounts applied at the register. If a cashier wants to manually discount a restricted item, or discount a transaction and include a restricted item, they must get a store manager or administrator to log in and approve.

Allow Manual Discount prompt.

If the cashier taps Yes, they are prompted for authorized approval. If No, the transaction continues without discounting the restricted item. If a transaction discount includes one or more restricted items, the cashier is prompted for approval on each restricted item.

Authorized approval prompt for manual discounts.

Transaction discounts work by taking an amount or percent off each item purchased. If an item included in the purchase is marked Do Not Allow Discount, and a manager does not approve the restricted item’s discount, that item’s price is not included in the calculation. For example:


Regular Price

Apply 10% Transaction Discount

Item A



Item B



Item C

$85 <Do Not Allow Discount>

$85 <Do Not Allow Discount>

Amount Due



Line item breakout for multiple quantities in Transaction Discounts

In a transaction discount, if a cashier adds an item and then taps the quantity button for more of the same item, NSPOS might expand that item to individual lines in the journal. This breakout is due to rounding issues for prices that do not round well when discounted as a quantity. It occurs only when needed to correct rounding for the discounted price.

For example, the cashier scans one $0.99 pencil, changes the quantity to 10, and then adds a 5% transaction discount. The journal might show 10 individual $0.99 pencils discounted at 5%.

Promotion Discounts

Items restricted with Do Not Allow Discount are ignored by the advanced promotion process. If a restricted item is included in a purchase that is discounted by a transaction promotion, the item’s price is not included in the promotion calculations.

The discount restriction is ignored for classic promotions.

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General Notices