Working with Item Location Attributes

After you have added subsidiaries or locations on an item record, you can specify the attributes for that item that are specific to each location. The details below describe how to add a location and assign specific attributes.


The Subsidiary field shows only in NetSuite OneWorld accounts.

To add a location to an item record:

  1. Open the item record.

  2. On the Locations subtab, click the Add Location button.

    The Item Location Configuration window opens.

  3. Enter a Name for the location.

  4. Select the appropriate Subsidiary.

    Your selection in this field determines the choices available in the Location field. Only locations associated with the chosen subsidiary will show.

  5. Select the Location you want to add.

  6. Optionally add a Memo. Later, you can search for the text you enter here.

  7. Complete the steps below to assign item attributes for the location.

You can assign or edit the particular attributes for a location.


When you first associate a subsidiary on an item record, you must save the item record to add the subsidiary before you add location attributes for the newly added subsidiary.

To assign or edit item location attributes:

  1. Open the item record.

  2. On the Locations subtab, click Edit next to a location.

    The Item Location Configuration window opens.

After item location attributes are assigned, you can change them later, if needed. Read Edit Item Location Attributes.

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