Available Time-Off Report
The standard Available Time-Off report summarizes the total number of used and scheduled time-off, and the available time-off based on usage. It also summarizes the time-off for the entire year across all classes, departments, locations, and subsidiaries. You can use this report to quickly see an employee’s available time-off balance as of the current date.
To view the Available Time-Off report, go to Reports > Employees/HR > Available Time-Off.
This report displays the following for each employee:
Time-Off Type
Annual Entitlement -The total available time-off for the current year. Includes all future accruals for the current year when the Days Available Includes Future Accruals box on the Time-Off Plan page is selected. For more information, see Creating a Time-Off Plan.
Used -The amount of time-off that has been used as of the current date.
Scheduled -The amount of time-off that has been requested and approved, but not yet taken.
Available Now -Total remaining time-off for the current year.
To customize this report and display it in the Report Builder, click Customize. For more information, see Report Customization.
The following selections are included for customization on the Available Time-Off report:
Available Time-Off:
Annual Entitlement - The employee’s total time-off for the current year. This is based on the number of days or hours the employee is entitled to for the particular time-off type.
Available Now - The employee’s remaining time-off for the current year.
Scheduled -The amount of time-off, in hours, that has been requested and approved, but not yet taken.
Used -The amount of time-off, in hours, that has been used for the current year.
Time-Off Change Type:
Name -The name of the time-off change type. For example, approved time-off request, manual adjustment, or automatic accrual.
Time-Off Type:
Display Name -The time-off type display name.
Inactive -Indicates when a time-off type is inactive.
Increment Unit -Indicates whether the minimum increment of time-off is in days or hours.
Minimum Increment -The minimum increment of time-off required.
Name -The name of the time-off type.
Track Only -Indicates when a time-off type is track only.