Scripting, Customization, and Integration
The content below pertains to all versions of SuiteScript. Be aware that currently it may only include links or examples for SuiteScript 1.0.
Inbound shipments provide visibility of in-transit inventory and the status of a shipment. Items from multiple purchase orders can be assigned to an incoming shipment and bulk received and billed from within the record. Accounting support is also provided for the transfer of ownership of inbound inventory prior to receipt. This is done from the take ownership record.
The internal ID for the inbound shipment record is inboundshipment
Sample Scripts
The following script examples illustrate typical workflows for an inbound shipment.
Example 1
Creates the inbound shipment record.
Adds line items from a purchase order
Enters information into the primary information fields
Updates the status field
Updates the expected shipping date
Creates a partial ownership transfer
Receives the inbound shipment
var inboundShipment = nlapiCreateRecord('inboundshipment');
var purchaseOrder = nlapiLoadRecord('purchaseorder', 1718);
var itemLineCount = purchaseOrder.getLineItemCount('item')
for (var i = 1; i <= itemLineCount; i++) {
inboundShipment.setCurrentLineItemValue('items', 'purchaseorder', purchaseOrder.getId());
inboundShipment.setCurrentLineItemValue('items', 'shipmentitem', purchaseOrder.getLineItemValue('item', 'lineuniquekey', i));
var inboundShipmentId = nlapiSubmitRecord(inboundShipment);
var inboundShipmentUpdate = nlapiLoadRecord('inboundshipment', inboundShipmentId);
inboundShipmentUpdate.setFieldValue('shipmentstatus', 'inTransit');
inboundShipmentUpdate.setFieldValue('externaldocumentnumber', 'EDN645');
inboundShipmentUpdate.setFieldValue('expectedshippingdate', '8/2/2017');
inboundShipmentUpdate.selectLineItem('items', 1);
inboundShipmentUpdate.setCurrentLineItemValue('items', 'receivinglocation', 6);
inboundShipmentUpdate.setCurrentLineItemValue('items', 'quantityexpected', 1);
inboundShipmentUpdate.setCurrentLineItemValue('items', 'expectedrate', 10.5);
var takeOwnership = nlapiLoadRecord('bulkownershiptransfer', inboundShipmentId);
takeOwnership.selectLineItem('items', 2);
takeOwnership.setCurrentLineItemValue('items', 'process', 'F');
var bulkReceive = nlapiLoadRecord('receiveinboundshipment', inboundShipmentId);
bulkReceive.selectLineItem('receiveitems', 2);
bulkReceive.setCurrentLineItemValue('receiveitems', 'quantitytobereceived', 1);
Example 2
Opens an inbound shipment
Adds a new landed cost line
Applies the cost to two items
Selects the allocation method
Adds the landed cost value
Sets the landed cost currency
Specifies when to apply the exchange rate
var SEPARATOR = '\u0005'
var inboundShipment = nlapiLoadRecord('inboundshipment', 7);
inboundShipment.setCurrentLineItemValue('landedcost', 'landedcostshipmentitems', '16' + SEPARATOR + '17');
inboundShipment.setCurrentLineItemValue('landedcost', 'landedcostallocationmethod', 'QUANTITY');
inboundShipment.setCurrentLineItemValue('landedcost', 'landedcostcostcategory', '1');
inboundShipment.setCurrentLineItemValue('landedcost', 'landedcostamount', '50');
inboundShipment.setCurrentLineItemValue('landedcost', 'landedcostcurrency', '2');
inboundShipment.setCurrentLineItemValue('landedcost', 'landedcosteffectivedate', '1/30/2018');
Usage Notes
1. Landed Costs can only be created in SuiteScript when the inbound shipment is in edit mode
-16 and 17 =shipment item line ids on Items tab (nlapiGetLineItemValue('items', 'id', 1);)
-\u0005 =separator for multi-select fields
3. Date format for '1/30/2018' is dependent on your account settings
To learn more, see Inbound Shipment in the SuiteScript help documentation.