CTT: Sales Outbound Template
The supported item types for the CTT: Sales Outbound Template are:
Inventory items (lot numbered, serialized, inventory)
Non-inventory items (for resale, for sale)
Service (for resale, for sale)
Other charges (for resale, for sale)
This template does not support few elements which are mentioned in the CTT: Sales Template mappings table.
The below points must be followed when creating a CTT: Sales Outbound Template.
To use the CTT: Sales Outbound Template, paste the XML in the Template for Outbound E-Documents field of the new E-Document Template page.
When creating the template, select CTT Sales Outbound CDS from the Custom Data Source Plugin Implementation list.
You must provide the PEPPOL ID field as part of CTT: Sales PEPPOL template setup in SuiteTax.
To know more about PEPPOL ID field, see PEPPOL ID.
Prerequisites for CTT: Sales Outbound Template with Default CDS Plug-in Implementation
The CTT: Sales Outbound Template uses Manufacturer Tariff field as one of the element mappings for which the below mentioned features are required.
To enable Manufacturer Tariff field:
Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.
Navigate to the Shipping & Receiving field group in the Transactions subtab.
To enable the feature, check the Shipping Label Integration box.
Go to Setup > Accounting > Shipping.
Navigate to the Carrier Basics field group in the Preferences subtab.
To enable the Manufacturer Tariff field, check the International Shipping box.
The CTT: Sales Template mappings are in the below table:
SL No. |
Element Name |
Field ID |
Technical Name of Field |
Help Text |
1 |
ubl:Order |
This is the root element of the CTT Sales' PEPPOL template. It has default attributes. |
2 |
cbc: |
This element identifies the specification of content and rules that apply to the transaction. This element has a default value 'urn: |
3 |
cbc:ProfileID |
This element identifies the BII (Business Interoperability Interface) profile or business process context in which the transaction appears. This element has a default value urn: |
4 |
cbc:ID |
transaction.tranid |
Document Number |
This element displays the unique identifier which enables referencing the transaction for various purposes such as from other transactions. This value is mapped with the document number of the transaction. |
5 |
cbc:SalesOrderID |
transaction.tranid |
Document Number |
This element displays the unique identifier of referenced sales order issued by the seller. This value is mapped with the document number of the transaction. |
6 |
cbc:IssueDate |
transaction.trandate |
Date |
This element displays' the date on which the transaction instance was issued. This value is mapped with Date field of the transaction. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD. |
7 |
cbc:IssueTime |
This element displays the time assigned by the buyer on which the order was issued. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
8 |
cbc: |
Custom Field |
This element indicates whether the order is a purchase order or consignment order. The default option is purchase order. This element has a default assigned value of 220. You must map the value with the required custom field in the SuiteApp. The following list has information about the Order types list and the Order Type Codes (UNCL1001 subset):
9 |
cbc:Note |
transaction.memo |
Memo or Custom Field |
This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure. The note is retrieved from the value in the Memo field of a transaction. You can map the field value with the required custom field in the SuiteApp. |
10 |
cbc: |
transaction. |
Currency (under Accounting subtab of transaction) |
This element displays the ISO Code of the currency used in the transaction. |
11 |
cbc: |
This element is used by the buyer to specify a reference that should be repeated in transaction to enable the buyer to automatically book the right project, or account. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
12 |
cbc: |
transaction. |
PO # |
This element is used to refer who ordered the products/services such as the name of the person ordering, employee number, or a code identifying the person or department/group. Also known as "Buyer reference", it should be sent in the corresponding invoice. The PO# field is used to identify the buyer and the order details. You can map the value of this field with the required custom field in the SuiteApp. |
13 |
cac:ValidityPeriod |
This parent element contains information about order's validity end date. It has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
14 |
cbc:EndDate |
This element displays the end date when the order is valid. It denotes the time period within which the seller must respond. An order should contain the validity end date. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
15 |
cac: |
This parent element contains element that is used as a reference to quotation which is basis for the order. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
16 |
cbc:ID |
This element displays a unique reference to the quotation that is the base for the order. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
17 |
cac: |
This parent element contains element to refer an order document. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
18 |
cbc:ID |
This element refers to the initial order that was rejected and a new order is issued. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
19 |
cac: |
This parent element contains element to refer to originator document. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
20 |
cbc:ID |
This element provides a reference to the internal requisition on the buyer site on which the order is based. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
21 |
cac: |
This element displays information about additional supporting documents attached to the transaction. This parent element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
22 |
cbc:ID |
This element displays an identifier for the referenced document. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
23 |
cbc: |
This element displays textual description of the document. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
24 |
cac:Attachment |
This element displays information about attachments to transaction. This parent element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
25 |
cbc: |
This element displays attached document embedded as binary object, coded as Base64.This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
26 |
@mimeCode |
This element displays the mime code of the attached document. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
27 |
@filename |
This element displays the file name of the attached document. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
28 |
cac: |
This element displays reference to external document. This parent element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
29 |
cbc:URI |
This element displays the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where the external document is located. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
30 |
cac:Contract |
This element displays reference to contract. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
31 |
cbc:ID |
This element displays positive identification of the reference such as unique identifier. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
32 |
cac: |
This element displays the information of the project the order refers to. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
33 |
cbc:ID |
This element displays the identification of the project the order refers to. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
34 |
cac: |
This parent element contains information about the buyer. This element has no value, but the element has child elements that have values associated to it in the template. |
35 |
cac:Party |
This is a parent element and a child of cac:BuyerCustomerParty, providing information about the buyer. This element has no value, but it has child elements with values associated in the template. |
36 |
cbc:EndpointID |
custom. |
GLN extracted from PEPPOL ID field (customer record). |
This element identifies the buyer’s electronic address. The value of this field is retrieved from PEPPOL ID field present in the customer record using the custom data source plug-in (CDS) used in the template. PEPPOL ID field format is as follows <country-code>: <GLN> |
37 |
@schemeID |
custom. |
country code extracted from PEPPOL ID field (Customer record). |
This element is used with the element cbc:EndpointID and identifies the scheme ID of the buyer’s electronic address. The value of this field is retrieved from PEPPOL ID field present in the customer record using the custom data source plug-in (CDS) used in the template. PEPPOL ID field format is as follows <country-code>: <GLN> |
38 |
cac: |
This parent element provides information about the buyer identifier. This element has no value, but it has child elements that have values associated with them. |
39 |
cbc:ID |
customer. |
ID of the Customer (Hidden) |
This element populates the customer identifier. ID of the customer is used as value for this element. |
40 |
@schemeID |
This element displays scheme identifier for party identification. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
41 |
cac:PartyName |
This parent element displays the buyer’s details. This element has no value, but it has child elements that have values associated with it in the template. |
42 |
cbc:Name |
transaction. customer. |
Bill Addressee (Transaction’s billing address), if empty- Company Name (from Customer record) |
This element displays another name that the buyer is known, other than the business name. The value of Bill Addressee in the transaction is used and if empty, the Company Name field value on a customer’s transaction is displayed in the generated e-document for this element. |
43 |
cac:PostalAddress |
This parent element displays the buyer’s postal address. This element has no value, but it has child elements that have values associated with it in the template. |
44 |
cbc:StreetName |
transaction.billaddr1 |
Address 1 (Transaction’s billing address) |
This element displays the main address line of an address, usually the street name and number. The element retrieves the value of the Address 1 field from the billing address in a transaction. |
45 |
cbc: |
transaction.billaddr2 |
Address 2 (Transaction’s billing address) |
This element displays an additional address line to give further details supplementing the main line. This element retrieves the value of the Address 2 field from the billing address in a transaction. |
46 |
cbc:CityName |
transaction.billcity |
City (transaction’s billing address) |
This element displays the common name of the city of the buyer’s location. This element retrieves the value of the City field of the transaction’s billing address has a value. The name is written in full rather than as a code. |
47 |
cbc:PostalZone |
transaction.billzip |
Zip (transaction’s billing address) |
This element identifies an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code. Zip field of the transaction’s billing address is used as value for this element. |
48 |
cbc: |
transaction.billstate |
State (transaction’s billing address) |
This element is used for specifying a region, county, state, province etc., within a country by using text. This element retrieves the State field value of the transaction’s billing address has a value. |
49 |
cac:AddressLine |
This parent element shows information about the additional address line in a transaction’s billing address. This element has no value, but it has child element that have value associated with it in the template. This element is displayed only if a value is entered in the Address 3 field of the billing address; otherwise, the element is not displayed. |
50 |
cbc:Line |
transaction.billaddr3 |
Address 3 (Transaction’s billingaddress) |
This element displays an additional address line in an address to give further details supplementing the main line. This element retrieves the value of the Address3 field has a value. |
51 |
cac:Country |
This parent element provides information about the billing address’s country in a transaction. This element has no value, but it has child element that have values associated with it in the template |
52 |
cbc: |
custom. |
Country (transaction’s billing address) |
This element displays a code identifying the billing country of a transaction. The element displays the ISO code of the country. The value of this element is displayed using the custom data source plug-in implemented in the template. |
53 |
cac: |
This parent element has information about the party VAT identifier. This element has no value, but it has child elements that have values associated to it in the template. |
54 |
cbc:CompanyID |
customer. |
Default Tax Reg (under financial of customer) |
This element displays the buyer’s VAT identification number. The Default Tax Reg field value is present in the customer record under Financial subtab. Note: This element must have value as it is a required element. |
55 |
cac:TaxScheme |
This parent element provides information about the tax scheme used by the customer. This element has no value, but it has child elements that have values associated to it in the template. |
56 |
cbc:ID |
Custom value |
This element provides the code of the tax scheme being used. This element has a fixed value VAT. |
57 |
cac: |
This parent element provides legal information about the buyer. This element has no value, but it has child elements that have values associated to it in the template. |
58 |
cbc: |
transaction. customer. |
Bill Addressee (Transaction’s billing address), if emptyCompany Name (from Customer record) |
This element displays the official name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority. If the Addressee field has a value in the billing address of a transaction, then the full name is displayed. If not, then the element displays the customer’s company name. |
59 |
cbc:CompanyID |
This element displays a company as registered with the company registration scheme. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
60 |
@schemeID |
This element displays identification scheme identifier of the buyer legal registration identifier. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
61 |
cac: |
This parent element provides information about the buyer's legal registration address. This element has no value, but it has child elements that have values associated to it in the template. |
62 |
cbc:CityName |
transaction.billcity |
City (transaction’s billing address) |
This element displays the registered address of the party within a Corporate Registration Scheme. It displays the name of a city, town, or village. This element is retrieved from City field of the transaction’s billing address. |
63 |
cac:Country |
This parent element provides information about the buyer's registered country. This element has no value, but it has child element that have values associated with it in the template |
64 |
cbc: |
custom. |
Country (transaction’s billing address) |
This element displays a code identifying the registered country. The element displays the ISO code of the billing address's country on the transaction. The value of this element is displayed using the Custom Data Source plug-in implemented in the template. |
65 |
cac:Contact |
This is parent element provides contact information relevant to the buyer. This element has no value but it has child elements that have values associated to it in the template. |
66 |
cbc:Name |
custom. |
CustomerPrimary ContactNAME (customerrecord) |
This element displays the name of the buyer's primary contact person or entity. The value of this field is retrieved from the Custom Data Source plug-in (CDS) used in the template. |
67 |
cbc:Telephone |
custom. |
CustomerPrimary ContactPHONE |
This element displays the phone number of the buyer’s primary contact. The value of this field is retrieved from the Custom Data Source plug-in (CDS) used in the template. |
68 |
cbc:ElectronicMail |
custom. |
CustomerPrimary ContactEMAIL |
This element displays the e-mail address of the buyer’s primary contact. The value of this field is retrieved from the Custom Data Source plug-in (CDS) used in the template. |
69 |
cac: |
This is a parent element that provides information about the seller using various child elements. This element has no value, but it has child elements with values associated to it in the template. |
70 |
cac:Party |
This is a parent element and a child element of cac:SellerSupplierParty, having information about the seller like electronic address. This element has no value, but it has child elements with values associated to it in the template. |
71 |
cbc:EndpointID |
custom. |
GLN is extracted from PEPPOL ID field (subsidiary preference record). |
This element identifies the seller’s electronic address. The value of this field is retrieved from PEPPOL ID field present in the subsidiary preference record using the Custom Data Source plug-in (CDS) used in that template. PEPPOL ID field format is as follows <country-code>:<GLN> |
72 |
@schemeID |
custom. |
Country Code is extracted from PEPPOL ID field (subsidiary preference record). |
This element is used with the element cbc:EndpointID and identifies the scheme ID of the seller’s electronic address. The value of this field is retrieved from PEPPOL ID field present in the subsidiary preference record using the Custom Data Source plug-in (CDS) used in that template. PEPPOL ID field format is as follows <country-code>:<GLN> |
73 |
cac: |
This parent element displays identification of the seller. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
74 |
cbc:ID |
This element is used to identify a party. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
75 |
@schemeID |
This element is used to display the scheme identifier for party identification. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
76 |
cac:PartyName |
This parent element displays the name of the seller. This element has no value, but it has child elements with values associated to it in the template. This element is not displayed if its child elements do not have values. |
77 |
cbc:Name |
transaction. |
Name field (subsidiary record) |
This element displays the trading name of the party. It contains the subsidiary's name. |
78 |
cac:PostalAddress |
This is a parent element with information about the postal address of the seller. Required fields of the address must be filled out to comply with the legal requirements. This element has no value, but it has child elements that have values associated to it in the template. |
79 |
cbc:StreetName |
transaction. |
Address 1 field (subsidiary record) |
This element displays the main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number. The element has the value of the Address 1 field of the subsidiary’s main address. |
80 |
cbc: |
transaction. |
Address 2 field (subsidiary record) |
This element displays an additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. This element has the value of the Address 2 field in the subsidiary’s main address. |
81 |
cbc:CityName |
transaction. |
City field (subsidiary record) |
This element displays the common name of the city where the postal address is. The value of the element is retrieved from the city field of the subsidiary’s main address. |
82 |
cbc:PostalZone |
transaction. |
Zip field(subsidiary record) |
This element displays the identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code. The value of the element is retrieved from the zip field of the subsidiary’s main address. |
83 |
cbc: |
transaction. |
State field(subsidiary record) |
This element is used for specifying a region, county, state, province etc.,within a country by using text. The value of the element is retrieved from the state field of the subsidiary's main address. |
84 |
cac:AddressLine |
This parent element has information about the additional address line in the subsidiary address. This element has no value in the template, but it has child elements associated in the template. |
85 |
cbc:Line |
transaction. |
Address 3 field (subsidiary record) |
This element has information about an additional address line to give further details supplementing the main line. This element has the value of the address 3 field in the subsidiary’s main address. |
86 |
cac:Country |
This parent element has information about the country associated with the subsidiary’s address. This element has no value in the template, but it has child elements associated in the template. |
87 |
cbc: |
custom. |
Country field (subsidiary record) |
This parent element displays the ISO Code of the country. It uses the Custom Data Source plug-in implemented in the template to display the values. In One World accounts, the subsidiary's country name is populated. In accounts without One World, the company information country is populated. The value of this field is retrieved from the Custom Data Source plug-in (CDS) used in the template. |
88 |
cac: |
This parent element provides legal information about the seller. This element has no value, but it has child elements that have values associated to it in the template. |
89 |
cbc: |
transaction. transaction. |
Legal Name, if emptyName field (from subsidiary record) |
This element displays the official name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority. If the legal name field has a value in the subsidiary's record, then it's value is used. If not, the element displays the company name. |
90 |
cbc:CompanyID |
custom.subVatRegNo (Refer CDS) |
Company business registration ID field such as EIN/ABN field. |
This element identifies a company as registered with the company registration scheme. This element displays company business registration ID such as EIN/ABN field present in subsidiary record for One World accounts. In accounts without One World, the value is taken from company information record. The value of this field is retrieved from the Custom Data Source plug-in (CDS) used in the template. |
91 |
@schemeID |
This element displays identification scheme identifier of the buyer legal registration identifier. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
92 |
cac: |
This parent element provides information about the seller's legal registration address. This element has no value, but it has child elements that have values associated to it in the template. |
93 |
cbc:CityName |
transaction. |
City field (subsidiary record) |
This element displays the registered address of the party within a Corporate Registration Scheme. It displays the name of a city, town, or village. This element is retrieved from City field of the subsidiary's address. |
94 |
cac:Country |
This parent element provides information about the seller's registered country. This element has no value, but it has child elements that have values associated with it in the template. |
95 |
cbc: |
custom. |
Country field (subsidiary record) |
This parent element displays the ISO Code of the country. It uses the Custom Data Source plug-in implemented in the template to display the values. In One World accounts, the subsidiary's country name is populated. In accounts without One World, the company information country is populated. The value of this field is retrieved from the Custom Data Source plug-in (CDS) used in the template. |
96 |
cac:Contact |
This is a parent element and a child of cac:Party, providing contact information of the seller. No value has been provided to this element, but it has child elements which have values associated to them. This element will only be displayed if the sales rep of the transaction has either phone number or email address. |
97 |
cbc:Name |
transaction.salesrep |
Sales Rep field present on transaction |
This element provides contact details for a legal entity or representative, and displays the Sales Rep field value in a transaction. The element is displayed only if there is a value in the Sales Rep field of the transaction. |
98 |
cbc:Telephone |
transaction. |
Phone field (employee record) |
This element displays the phone number of the contact person. It uses the phone number of the sales representative selected in the transaction as the value. This element is displayed only if there is a value in the sales representative’s Phone field in the employee record. |
99 |
cbc:ElectronicMail |
transaction. |
Email field (employee record) |
This element displays the email address of the contact person and uses the email address of the sales representative selected in the transaction as the value. This element is displayed only if there is value in the sales representative’s Email field in the employee record. |
100 |
cac: |
This parent element displays information regarding the originator of the order. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
101 |
cac:Party |
This parent element displays description of the originator party. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
102 |
cac: |
This parent element displays identification of the originator. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
103 |
cbc:ID |
This element identifies a party. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
104 |
@schemeID |
This element displays scheme identifier for party identification. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
105 |
cac:PartyName |
This parent element displays the name of the originator. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
106 |
cbc:Name |
This element displays name of the party. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
107 |
cac:Contact |
This element displays originators contact information. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
108 |
cbc:Name |
This element displays the name of the contact person. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
109 |
cbc:Telephone |
This element displays phone number for the contact person. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
110 |
cbc:ElectronicMail |
This element displays e-mail address for the contact person. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
111 |
cac: |
This element displays information regarding the receiver of the invoice based on the order (invoice). This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
112 |
cbc:Party |
This element displays description of the invoice party. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
113 |
cbc:EndpointID |
This element displays identifies the invoice party's electronic address. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
114 |
cac: |
This element displays identification of the invoice party. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
115 |
@schemeID |
This element displays scheme identifier for the electronic address. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
116 |
cbc:ID |
This element identifies invoice party. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
117 |
@schemeID |
This element displays scheme identifier for party identification. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
118 |
cac:PartyName |
This element displays name of the invoice party. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
119 |
cbc:Name |
This element displays name of the party. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
120 |
cac:PostalAddress |
This parent element displays postal address of the invoice. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
121 |
cbc:StreetName |
This parent element displays the main address line in a postal address, usually the street name and number. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
122 |
cbc: |
This parent element displays an additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
123 |
cbc:CityName |
This element displays the common name of the city where the postal address is. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
124 |
cbc:PostalZone |
This element displays the identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
125 |
cbc: |
This element is used for specifying a region, county, state, province etc, within a country by using text. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
126 |
cac:AddressLine |
This parent element has information about the additional address line in the address. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
127 |
cbc:Line |
This element has information about an additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
128 |
cac:Country |
This parent element has information about the country associated with the address. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
129 |
cbc: |
This parent element displays the ISO Code of the country from address. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
130 |
cac: |
This parent element displays the tax information of the invoice party. This element has no value in the template. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
131 |
cbc:CompanyID |
This element displays the invoices registered VAT identifier. You can map the value with the required custom field in the SuiteApp. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
132 |
cac:TaxScheme |
This parent element provides information about the tax scheme. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
133 |
cbc:ID |
This element displays tax scheme identifier. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
134 |
cac: |
This parent element provides legal information of the invoice party. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
135 |
cbc: |
This element displays the official name of the invoicee party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
136 |
cbc:CompanyID |
This element displays a company as registered with the company registration scheme. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
137 |
@schemeID |
This element displays identification scheme identifier of the buyer legal registration identifier. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
138 |
cac: |
This parent element provides information about the buyer's legal registration address. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
139 |
cbc:CityName |
This element displays the registered address of the party within a Corporate Registration Scheme. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
140 |
cac:Country |
This parent element provides information about the buyer's registered address’s country. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
141 |
cbc: |
This element displays a code identifying the registered address’s country. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
142 |
cac:Contact |
This parent element provides invoicee contact information. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
143 |
cbc:Name |
This element displays the name of the contact person. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
144 |
cbc:Telephone |
This element displays the phone number of the contact person. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
145 |
cbc:ElectronicMail |
This element displays the email address of the contact person. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
146 |
cac:Delivery |
This parent element has information about the delivery location. This element has no value in the template, but it has child elements with information about the delivery address in the template. |
147 |
cac: |
This parent element provides delivery information. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
148 |
cbc:ID |
This element displays identifier for the location where the ordered items should be delivered. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
149 |
@schemeID |
This element displays identification scheme identifier of the delivery to location identifier. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
150 |
cbc:Name |
This element displays name of the location to where the ordered items should be delivered. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
151 |
cac:Address |
This parent element has information about the address where the goods or services are delivered. This element has no value in the template, but it has child elements that have values associated with it |
152 |
cbc:StreetName |
transaction.shipaddr1 |
Address 1 (Transaction’s shipping address) |
This element displays the main address line in the transaction’s shipping address. This element has the value of Address 1 field in the transaction’s shipping address. This element is not displayed if the Address 1 field has no value in the transaction. |
153 |
cbc: |
transaction.shipaddr2 |
Address 2 (Transaction’s shipping address) |
This element displays an additional address line in the transaction’s shipping address. This element has the value of the Address 2 field in the transaction’s shipping address. The element and its value are not displayed if the Address 2 field has no value. |
154 |
cbc:CityName |
transaction.shipcity |
City (Transaction’s shipping address) |
This element displays the common name of the city of the shipping address. This element has the value of the City field in the transaction’s shipping address. The element and its value are not displayed if the City field has no value. |
155 |
cbc:PostalZone |
transaction.shipzip |
Zip (Transaction’s shipping address) |
This element displays the identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code. This element has the value of the Zip field in the transaction’s shipping address. The element and its value are not displayed if the Zip field has no value. |
156 |
cbc: |
transaction.shipstate |
State (Transaction’s shipping address) |
This element displays the subdivision of a country in the shipping address. This element has the value of the State field in the transaction’s shipping address. The element and its value are not displayed if the State field has no value. |
157 |
cac:AddressLine |
This parent element has information about the additional address line in the transaction's shipping address. This element has no value in the template. This element is displayed only if a value is entered in the Address 3 field; otherwise, the element is not displayed. |
158 |
cbc:Line |
transaction.shipaddr3 |
Address 3 (Transaction’s shipping address) |
This element has information about an additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. This element has the value of the Address 3 field in the transaction's shipping address. |
159 |
cac:Country |
This parent element displays the country of the shipping address. This element has no value, but it has child elements with values in the template |
160 |
cbc: |
transaction. |
Country (Transaction’s shipping address) |
This element displays the ISO code of the country in the transaction’s shipping address. It displays the value of the Country field in the template. |
161 |
cac: |
This parent element provides information about the requested delivery period. This element has no value in the template. |
162 |
cbc:StartDate |
This element displays date on which the period starts. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
163 |
cbc:StartTime |
This element displays time at which the period begins. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
164 |
cbc:EndDate |
This element displays date on which the period ends. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
165 |
cbc:EndTime |
This element displays time at which this period ends. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
166 |
cac:DeliveryParty |
This parent element provides information about the delivery party. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
167 |
cac: |
This parent element displays identification of the delivery party. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
168 |
cbc:ID |
This element displays identifier of the party that should receive the ordered items. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
169 |
@schemeID |
This element displays identification scheme identifier of the delivery to location identifier. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
170 |
cac:PartyName |
This is a parent element and a child of cac:DeliveryParty, with information about the delivery party’s name. This element has no value but has a child elements with values associated to it in the template. |
171 |
cbc:Name |
transaction. |
Addressee 1 (Transaction’s shipping address) |
This element displays the name of the customer or party whom the goods and services are to be delivered. This element displays the value of the Addressee field in the transaction’s shipping address. |
172 |
cac:PostalAddress |
This parent element has information of the final address where goods or services are delivered. This element has no value in the template, but it has child elements that have values associated with it |
173 |
cbc:StreetName |
transaction.shipaddr1 |
Address 1 (Transaction’s shipping address) |
This element displays the main address line in the transaction’s shipping address. This element has the value of Address 1 field in the transaction’s shipping address. This element is not displayed if the Address 1 field has no value in the transaction. |
174 |
cbc: |
transaction.shipaddr2 |
Address 2 (Transaction’s shipping address) |
This element displays an additional address line in the transaction’s shipping address. This element has the value of the Address 2 field in the transaction’s shipping address. The element and its value are not displayed if the Address 2 field has no value. |
175 |
cbc:CityName |
transaction.shipcity |
City (Transaction’s shipping address) |
This element displays the common name of the city of the shipping address. This element has the value of the City field in the transaction’s shipping address. The element and its value are not displayed if the City field has no value. |
176 |
cbc:PostalZone |
transaction.shipzip |
Zip (Transaction’s shipping address) |
This element displays the identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code. This element has the value of the Zip field in the transaction’s shipping address. The element and its value are not displayed if the Zip field has no value. |
177 |
cbc: |
transaction.shipstate |
State (Transaction’s shipping address) |
This element displays the subdivision of a country in the shipping address. This element has the value of the State field in the transaction’s shipping address. The element and its value are not displayed if the State field has no value. |
178 |
cac:AddressLine |
This parent element has information about the additional address line in the transaction's shipping address. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
179 |
cbc:Line |
This element has information about an additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
180 |
cac:Country |
This parent element displays the country of the shipping address. This element has no value, but it has child elements with values in the template |
181 |
cbc: |
transaction. |
Country (Transaction’s shipping address) |
This element displays the ISO code of the country in the transaction’s shipping address. It displays the value of the Country field in the template. |
182 |
cac:Contact |
This parent element provides contact information for the delivery party. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
183 |
cbc:Name |
This element displays the name of the contact person. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
184 |
cbc:Telephone |
This element displays the phone number of the contact person. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
185 |
cbc:ElectronicMail |
This element displays the email address of the contact person. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
186 |
cac:Shipment |
This parent element displays the information of the shipment. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
187 |
cbc:ID |
This element is mandated by syntax structure. If cac:Shipment is required use value NA. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
188 |
cac: |
This parent element displays the information of the transport handling unit. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
189 |
cbc: |
This element displays text that buyer requests to be printed on the packing labels. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
190 |
cac: |
This parent element displays information about the terms of delivery. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
191 |
cbc:ID |
This element displays delivery terms identifier, normally in co-terms. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
192 |
cbc:SpecialTerms |
This element displays description of special conditions relating to the delivery. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
193 |
cac: |
This parent element provides information about delivery location. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
194 |
cbc:ID |
This element displays location to which the delivery terms refer. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
195 |
cac: |
This parent element has information about the payment terms applied to the due amount. This parent element has no value, but it has a child element with value associated with it in the template. |
196 |
cbc:Note |
transaction.terms |
Terms (under Billing subtab of transaction) |
This parent element displays text describing the payment terms. This element displays a value in the Terms field on a transaction. |
197 |
cac: |
This parent element displays information about the allowances and charges for the order. This element has no value and is displayed in the generated e-document only if there is a header discount or shipping cost associated with the transaction. |
198 |
cbc: |
Custom Value |
This element indicates if cac:AllowanceCharge element is allowance or charge. The generated e-document displays the value True when informing about charges and the value False when informing about allowances.
You can map the value with the required custom field in the SuiteApp. |
199 |
cbc: |
Custom value |
This element displays the document level allowance code or the allowance charge reason code. You can use the UNCL5189 code from the code list for allowance of a subset. For charges, you can use the UNCL7161code from the code list. The document level allowance reason code and document level allowance reason display the same reason. Example:
You can map the value with the required custom field in the SuiteApp. |
200 |
cbc: |
Custom value |
This element displays document level allowance reason or charge reason in text format. The document level allowance reason code and the document level allowance reason, display the same allowance reason. This element displays the following values:
You can map the value with the required custom field in the SuiteApp. |
201 |
cbc: |
transaction. |
Header Discount field without '%' present on transaction |
This element displays the document level allowance or charge percentage. The percentage is used with the document level allowance base amount to calculate the document level or charge amount. This element is displayed only when header discount is given in percentage format. This element is not displayed for Shipping and Handling section. |
202 |
cbc:Amount |
For Discount: transaction. For Shipping and Handling: transaction. |
For Discount: DISCOUNTITEM (Summary section of transaction) For Shipping and Handling: Transaction's shipping +handling cost (transaction record) |
This element displays the document level allowance or charge amount without tax. This element displays the following values:
203 |
@currencyID |
transaction. |
Transaction’s Currency |
This element is used with the cbc:Amount element, to display the ISO code of a transaction’s currency. |
204 |
cbc:BaseAmount |
transaction.subtotal |
Subtotal field present on transaction. |
This element displays the base amount along with the document level allowance or charge percentage. It calculates the document level allowance or charge amount. The value is rounded off to 2 decimal places in the template. A value is provided in the Subtotal field in the Summary section of a transaction This element is not displayed for Shipping and Handling section. |
205 |
@currencyID |
transaction. |
Transaction’s Currency |
This element is used with cbc:BaseAmount element, to display the currency’s ISO code used by a transaction. |
206 |
cac:TaxCategory |
This parent element displays information of tax category. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
207 |
cbc:ID |
This element displays tax category code that applies to the document level allowance or charge. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
208 |
cbc:Percent |
This element displays tax rate, represented as percentage that applies to the document level allowance or charge. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
209 |
cac:TaxScheme |
This parent element displays tax scheme information. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
210 |
cbc:ID |
This element displays tax scheme identifier. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
211 |
cac:TaxTotal |
This parent element displays specification of expected tax amount. This element has no value, but it has child element with values associated to it in the template. |
212 |
cbc:TaxAmount |
transaction.taxtotal |
Tax Total field present in transaction |
This element displays the total tax amount for an order. This value is rounded off to a maximum of 2 decimal places in the template. |
213 |
@currencyID |
transaction. |
Transaction’s Currency |
This element is used with cbc:TaxAmount element, to display the ISO code of the currency used by the transaction. |
214 |
cac: |
This parent element displays the estimated total amounts for the order. This element has no values, but it has child elements that provide monetary totals for an order. |
215 |
cbc: |
transaction.subtotal |
Subtotal field present on transaction |
This element displays the sum of all the line amounts in the document net of tax and settlement discounts. The value is rounded off to a maximum of 2 decimal places in the template. This element displays the Subtotal field value from the transaction’s Summary section. |
216 |
@currencyID |
transaction. |
Transaction’s Currency |
This element is used with cbc:LineExtensionAmount element to display the ISO code of the transaction’s currency. |
217 |
cbc: |
transaction. |
Subtotal +Shipping Cost +Handling Cost +Discount Item fields present in transaction |
This element displays the total amount of an order without tax. The value of this element must be rounded off to two decimals. In a template, you must add the transaction’s amount in the Subtotal field in the Summary tab with the handling and shipping charges to get a value and remove discount, if any. You can add extra allowances and change the template to accommodate this element. |
218 |
@currencyID |
transaction. |
Transaction’s Currency |
This element is used with cbc:TaxExclusiveAmount to display the ISO code of the transaction’s currency. |
219 |
cbc: |
transaction.total |
Total field present in Transaction |
This element displays the total amount of a transaction with tax. This value is rounded off to 2 decimal places in the template. |
220 |
@currencyID |
transaction. |
Transaction’sCurrency |
This element is used with cbc:TaxInclusiveAmount element to display the ISO code of the transaction’s currency |
221 |
cbc: |
transaction. |
Discount Item field present on transaction |
This element displays the sum of all allowances on header level in the document. The value of this element is rounded off to 2 decimal places. |
222 |
@currencyID |
transaction. |
Transaction’s Currency |
This element is used with cbc:AllowanceTotalAmount element to display the ISO code for the transaction’s currency. |
223 |
cbc: |
transaction. |
Shipping Cost +Handling Cost |
This element displays the sum of all charge on header level in the document. The value is rounded off to 2 decimal places in the template. It displays total cost of shipping and handling. |
224 |
@currencyID |
transaction. |
Transaction’s Currency |
The element is used with cbc:ChargeTotalAmount to display the ISO code of the transaction’s currency. |
225 |
cbc: |
This element displays any amounts that have been paid-a-priority. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
226 |
@currencyID |
This element displays currency identifier. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
227 |
cbc: |
This element displays the amount to be added to the total, to round the amount to be paid. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
228 |
@currencyID |
This element displays currency identifier. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
229 |
cbc: |
transaction.total |
Total field present in transaction |
This element displays the amount that is expected to be paid. This value is rounded off to 2 decimal places in the template. |
230 |
@currencyID |
transaction. |
Transaction’s Currency |
This element is used with cbc:PayableAmount element to display the ISO code of the transaction’s currency. |
231 |
cac:OrderLine |
This parent element displays specification of order lines. This element has no value, but it has child elements with values in the template. |
232 |
cac:Note |
transaction.memo |
Memo |
This element displays free-form text applying to the order line. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure. Note is to capture any free form description related to the order line as a whole. The value is taken from Memo field of the transaction. |
222 |
cbc:ID |
item.line |
Line Sequence Number |
This element displays the transaction line ID for each item. It has a unique identifier for an individual line in the transaction. The line sequence number of a line item is used in the template. |
223 |
cbc:LineItem |
This parent element displays the description of line item. This element has no value, but it has child elements with values in the template. The values of child elements are retrieved from the Custom Data Source plug-in (CDS) used in the template. |
224 |
cbc:Quantity |
item.quantity |
Quantity |
This element displays the quantity of items for items for the line item or the quantity for the order line. The Quantity field on the line item is used as value in the template. |
225 |
@unitCode |
Custom Value |
This element is used with cbc:Quantity element, and displays the unit of measure that applies to the ordered quantity. The supported code list is |
226 |
cbc: |
item.amount (Refer CDS) |
Amount |
This element displays the total amount for the line item, including allowance charges but net of taxes. The expected line amount excluding tax but inclusive of other charges, allowances and taxes. |
227 |
@currencyID |
transaction. |
Transaction’s Currency |
This element is used with cbc:LineExtensionAmount element to display the ISO code of the transaction’s currency. |
228 |
cbc: |
This element indicates if the line items must be delivered in a single shipment. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
229 |
cbc: |
This element displays buyer's accounting information applied to the line item, in the form of text. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
230 |
cac:Delivery |
This parent element displays delivery information for the order line. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
231 |
cbc:ID |
This element displays identifier for the location to where the ordered line item should be delivered. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
232 |
@schemeID |
This element displays identification scheme identifier of the delivery to location identifier. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
233 |
cac: |
This parent element displays information of requested delivery period for the order line. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
234 |
cbc:StartDate |
This element displays the date on which the period starts. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
235 |
cbc:EndDate |
This element displays the date on which the period ends. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
236 |
cac: |
This parent element displays information regarding the originator of the order. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
237 |
cac: |
This parent element displays identification of the originator. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
238 |
cbc:ID |
This element displays the party who originated order. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
239 |
@schemeID |
This element displays scheme identifier for party identification. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
240 |
cac:PartyName |
This parent element displays the name of the originator. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
241 |
cbc:Name |
This element displays the party who originated order. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
242 |
cac: |
This parent element displays a group of business terms with information about allowances or charges of an individual invoice. This element has no value, but it has child elements with values associated with it in the template. |
243 |
cbc: |
Custom value |
This element displays true or false value for the item type in a transaction. If the item type is allowances, the value is False. For charges, the value is True. You can map the value with the required custom field in the SuiteApp. |
244 |
cbc: |
This element displays line level allowance reason or charge reason in text format. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
245 |
cbc: |
Custom Value |
This element displays the line level allowance or charge reason in text. The document level allowance reason code and the document level allowance reason, display the same allowance reason. This element displays the following values:
You can map the value with the required custom field in the SuiteApp. |
246 |
cbc: |
item.chargeRate (Refer CDS) |
Rate |
This element displays the percentage that may be used, in conjunction with the line level allowance base amount to calculate the line level allowance or charge amount. This element is displayed only when Rate is given in percentage format. |
247 |
cbc:Amount |
For Allowances: item.lineDiscount (Refer CDS) For Charges: item.lineCharge (Refer CDS) |
For Allowances: line discount amount For Charges: line charge Amount |
This element displays the allowance or charge amount excluding tax. |
248 |
@currencyID |
transaction. |
Transaction’s Currency |
This element is used with cbc:Amount element to display the ISO code of the transaction’s currency. |
249 |
cbc:BaseAmount |
item.baseAmount (Refer CDS) |
Base amount |
This element displays the base amount that may be used, in conjunction with the line level allowance or charge percentage, to calculate the line level allowance or charge amount. |
250 |
@currencyID |
transaction. |
Transaction’s Currency |
This element is used with cbc:BaseAmount element to display the ISO code of the transaction’s currency. |
251 |
cac:Price |
This parent element displays the price details. It has child elements with information about the price applied for order line. |
252 |
cbc:PriceAmount |
item.rate (Refer CDS) |
Unit price or rate |
This element displays the net price of the item including all price level allowances, charges but excluding tax.
Rate field value is used for this element as price level allowances, charges are not supported yet. |
253 |
@currencyID |
transaction. |
Transaction’s Currency |
This element is used with cbc:PriceAmount to display the ISO code of the transaction’s currency. |
254 |
cbc:BaseQuantity |
Custom value |
This element displays the actual quantity to which the price applies. It has a default assigned value of 1. |
255 |
@unitCode |
This element displays the unit of measure that applies to the base quantity. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
256 |
cac: |
This parent element displays information about discounts connected to the price. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
257 |
cbc: |
This element indicates if cac:AllowanceCharge element is allowance or charge. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
258 |
cbc:Amount |
This element displays discount amount connected to the price. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
259 |
@currencyID |
This element displays currency identifier. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
260 |
cbc:BaseAmount |
This element displays the gross price of the item before subtracting discounts. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
261 |
@currencyID |
This element displays currency identifier. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
262 |
cac:Item |
This parent element displays information about order line item. This element has no value, but it has child elements with values associated with it in the template. |
263 |
cbc:Description |
item.description (Refer CDS) |
Item description |
This element displays the text description of the line item. The value of the Description field for items is displayed. |
264 |
cbc:Name |
item.name (Refer CDS) |
Item name |
This element displays the name taken from Item Name field of line item in a transaction. |
265 |
cac: |
This parent element displays the buyer’s item identification. This element has no value, but it has child element with values associated with it in the template. |
266 |
cbc:ID |
item.upcCode (Refer CDS) |
Item's UPC code |
This element displays an identifier assigned by the buyer for an item. The value of this element is the UPC code of the item. |
267 |
cac: |
This parent element displays the information about seller’s identification. This element has no value, but it has child elements with values associated with it in the template. |
268 |
cbc:ID |
item.mpn (Refer CDS) |
Item's MPN code |
This element displays an identifier assigned by the seller for an item. The value is the MPN code of the item. |
269 |
cac: |
This parent element displays information of standard item identification. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
270 |
cbc:ID |
This element displays item identifier based on a registered scheme. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
271 |
@schemeID |
This element displays identification scheme identifier of the item standard identifier. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
272 |
cac: |
This parent element displays reference to an item specification document. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
273 |
cbc:ID |
This element displays reference to an external document (ID) when it is necessary to specify the details of the item. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
274 |
cac: |
This parent element displays the commodity classification code. This element has no value, but has child elements with values associated with it in the template. |
275 |
cbc: |
item. |
Item's Manufacterer Tariff |
This element displays an item classification identifier code to classify items based on the type or nature. The value is the MPN code of the item. |
276 |
@listID |
Custom value |
This element is used with cbc:ItemClassificationCode element and displays a schemeID for item classification identifier. It has a default value HS. |
277 |
@listVersionID |
This element displays the identification scheme version identifier of the item classification identifier. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
278 |
cac: |
This parent element displays line tax information. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
279 |
cbc:ID |
This element displays the tax category code for the item. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
280 |
cbc:Percent |
This element displays tax percentage rate that applies to the line amount. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
281 |
cac:TaxScheme |
This parent element displays tax scheme information. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
282 |
cbc:ID |
This element displays tax scheme. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
283 |
cac: |
This parent element displays information about properties of goods and services invoiced. This element has no value in the template. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
284 |
cbc:Name |
This element displays name of the property. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
285 |
NameCode |
This element displays code for the item property according to a property code system. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
286 |
@listID |
This element displays identifier for the code list used for the name code, which is bilaterally agreed. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
287 |
cbc:Value |
This element displays the value of the item property. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
288 |
cbc:ValueQuantity |
This element displays the unit of measure in which the property value is stated, if relevant. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
289 |
name |
Custom value |
This element displays textual equivalent of the code value. It has a default value HS. |
290 |
@unitCode |
This element displays unit of measure that applies to the value quantity. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
291 |
cbc:ValueQualifier |
This element displays standardized and predefined classification of items properties. This element is not supported in the CTT Sales PEPPOL Template. |
292 |
cac:ItemInstance |
This element displays the information relevant to an item instance or shared by the items in the order line. This element has no value, but has child elements with values associated with it in the template.
This section is displayed only for Serialized and Lot Numbered Inventory item types. |
293 |
cbc:SerialID |
item. |
Serial or lot numbers |
This element displays the identifier that is specific to the items in the order line. This element is displayed only if the line item is Serialized Inventory item. |
294 |
cac: |
This element displays the information about the production lot which the order line items are from. This element is displayed only if the line item is Lot Numbered Inventory item. |
295 |
cbc:LotNumberID |
item. |
Serial or lot numbers |
This element displays the identifier for production lot which the order line items are from. |