Credit Card Transactions Overview Report

This NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) report provides a view of credit card transactions for the period you select. Use it to identify problematic transactions that might be declined by NSPOS but approved by your payment processor (payment gateway). Charges that appear to be duplicated are one such issue.

To identify problematic transactions on the report, you can:

It's expected that your stores will monitor the report and investigate issues as needed. You may need to follow up with your payment processor. Typical causes are timeouts and communication errors. Automatic recovery may not be possible for those types of errors.

The report is available for NSPOS 2024.1.10 or later.

To run a Credit Card Transactions Overview report:

  1. In Sales Mode, complete all sales transactions.

  2. From the Main button bar, tap Manager Functions > Reports.

  3. Tap Credit Card Transactions Overview. The report displays.

  4. To adjust criteria, choose from the fields at the top and tap View Report.

  5. To print or save and export the report, choose from the options at the top.

  6. Tap X in the upper right to return to the Journal window.

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