XAF Transactions Information

The <transactions> element contains information about all the posting transactions that you are reporting in the XAF file in a given period. This element includes the total number of transaction lines within the period specified on the Country Tax Report page.

You can also find the total debit and credit amount of all the transaction lines included in the report. The values are expressed in the base currency (the currency set on the subsidiary record). If you have the Full Multi-Book Accounting feature enabled, then the values are expressed in the currency used in the accounting book, whose transactions you are reporting in the XAF file.

Included in the <transactions> element is <journal>, which shows the fiscal year (<jrnlID> tag) and the period you are covering in the report (<desc> tag). This information is derived from the dates entered in the Start Period(custpage_start_period) and End Period (custpage_end_period) fields on the Country Tax Report page when you generate the XAF file.


The <transaction> element includes the following information about each posting transaction record in the specified fiscal year and reporting period:

Tag Name

Source Information


Entry in the Document Number (tranid) field. If the document number does not exist, the transaction number is used.


Displays the transaction type. For custom transactions, the entry in the Name (name) field in the custom transaction type record is used.


The number assigned to a specific month in the accounting period. This tag follows the numbering in the <periodNumber> tag in XAF Accounting Periods Information.


Entry in the Date(trandate) field on the transaction record.


On the System Information subtab on the transaction record, the entry in the Set By column (where the Type indicates Create) is used.

Transaction Lines

The <trLine> element includes information about each line in a transaction record. You can find most of the transaction line information included in this element on the GL Impact subtab of the transaction record.

Tag Name

Source Information


Transaction line numbered sequentially as it appears on the GL Impact subtab of the transaction record.


Entry in the Account column next to the transaction line.


Entry in the Document Number (tranid) field on the transaction record. If this field is empty, the transaction number is used.


Entry in the Date(trandate) field on the transaction record formatted in YYYY-MM-DD.


The amount shown next to the transaction line.


Displays D if the transaction line value is in the Amount (Debit) column, or C if the value is in the Amount (Credit) column.


The custSupID used in the <customerSupplier> tag that matches the customer or vendor indicated on the transaction record. For journal entries, this tag is not used.


Entry in the Department (department) field on the transaction record if available.


Entry in the Item column on the Items subtab. For journal entries where item records are not relevant, this tag is not used.


ID based on the entry in the Project (job) field that is linked to the customer in the transaction. If this feature is not enabled, this tag is not used.


Entry in the Class(field) on the transaction record if this field is not empty.


ID based on the entry in the Unit column on the Items subtab if the Units of Measure feature is enabled and if this column is filled.


Entry in the Quantity column on the Items subtab.

VAT Information in Transactions

The <vat> element includes the VAT amount of each transaction line considering the tax rate applied to the transaction.

Tag Name

Source Information


If you are using SuiteTax, the data for this tag is sourced from the Tax Code column on the Tax Details subtab of the transaction record.

If you are not using SuiteTax, this tag displays the tax code used in the transaction. The data is sourced from the entry in the Name (itemid) field on the tax code record.


If you are using SuiteTax, the data for this tag is sourced from the Tax Rate column on the Tax Details subtab of the transaction record.

If you are not using SuiteTax, this tag displays the rate assigned to the tax code that is used in the transaction. The data is sourced from the entry in the Rate(rate) field on the tax code record.


The amount indicated in the Tax Amount column on the Tax Details subtab of the transaction record.


Displays D for debit or C for credit depending on the tax account of the tax code where the tax amount is posted.

Currency Information in Transactions

The <currency> element indicates the currency used in each transaction line.

Tag Name

Source Information


The ISO code of the currency selected in the Currency field.


The amount indicated in the Amount (Foreign Currency) field.

Related Topics:

General Notices